You're Gonna Be Okay

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Chapter 8- You're Gonna Be Okay

Cora had awoken once again in the same area she was before, her hands were bound behind her back as she lied on her side. She wasn't fully awake as she blinked multiple times retaking in the senses of the room, the same thick arid smell and the moisture of the ground. "Commander, the storm is worsening," Cora heard part of the conversation between her keepers.

"Okay, grab some supplies we'll bunker down here tonight, this girl is important, we need her information," the same girl who'd asked the previous questions.

"Good luck with that," Cora spoke roughly glaring at the woman as she lied on her side. Her arms grew tired in the current position.

"You really are as feisty as he said, that's okay, we'll break you," She paused squatting down next to her. She lifted her chin having Cora look her in the eyes, she held the same glare as she spat in the grounder's face. Her guards stiffened behind her, Cora received a slap to her cheek that was going to bruise. The guards grabbed her by the arms lifting her up and resting her against the wall. "You may think you're hot stuff but let me tell you something sweet heart, you're not. I have a source of information and this little bird told me some things about you, and identified a body." Cora tensed looking up, there were many people she cared about on the trip; Mat, Bellamy, Jasper, Finn. Then the thought that they'd killed Octavia internally killed her. "The information we received was very helpful to get a perspective on you."

"Wow you are such a tease," Cora said her voice filled with annoyance. "Do share your information." She encouraged looking at the woman.

"Cora really is a pretty name, but your back story that's something else," she said walking slowly back and forth slowly rubbing her hands together. "You sure did a horrific crime, and yet he still lives. You also a have a little love life inside your walls. Mat, is it?" She sat up straighter, "I guess so. Well, your love life will be coming to an end and it won't be your fault. He was killed when my people attacked he died pushing some taller boy out of the way."

"Bellamy," she mumbled as the woman talked. Cora looked up at the grounder, "If he's really dead, I wanna see his body. I mean wouldn't be in your best interest have me break down, that's your plan right?"

The unnamed grounder sent off her two guards walking towards her as she sat against the wall, "I'll give you a minute." The strong female leader said as a limp boy was carried in. Her lips parted as she saw him being set down, the guards left and close the door. Cora needed to get her hands to the front of her body, she widened her arms making enough room to fit her legs through. She winced once getting her arms past her hips, now underneath her knees she continued finally getting her arms in front of her.

Cora crawled over to the boy looking at his pale, cold, stiff body. His hair was a mess and slightly wet, his face was dirty and just as chilled as the room. "Oh my god, Mat. I'm so sorry," she spoke quietly as she rubbed his cheek with her thumb. A single tear slid down her cheek dropping off her chin falling on to his cheek. She looked at his shirt, there was a blotch of blood along with an entry wound, she bit the insides of her cheek preventing anymore tears. "I love you," she kissed him for the last time, his lips were dry and stiff unlike when they first kissed. The first time, it had been like fireworks were going off inside her stomach, and everything seemed right. Now it was wrong, it was all wrong. She looked at the necklace around his neck, it was a dog-tag that was passed down from his family for generations, it was one of the last things left on the Ark from the ground. It was one of the things they talked about the night it rained for the first time on them, when they went up to the drop ship and talked until they fell asleep. She undid it from his neck and looked at it for a moment before latching it to her neck tucking it under her shirt. She rested her head on his chest once more mentally rethinking everything they ever talked about or did, reliving the moments with him.

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