The End

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Chapter 20- The End

"Sitka, hold her down you fool. Athena grab the vial to the left, we need to slow the bleeding." Cora could hear a woman commanding as she blinked rapidly slowly fading back into reality. She didn't know where she was and all she could feel was a cold metal table beneath her. If they thought she was struggling now, they were in for a treat. "Kenai grab her shoulders if she moves while I'm stitching her up it could be bad news." She continued to thrash her arms around not comprehending what the woman was saying.

"Bellamy run!" Clarke cried out in a bloody murder tone. He looked their way then glanced at Cora who was fighting as many as possible. She looked back at him sweat beating down her forehead watching as he fought his battle.

The blonde unintentionally let out as much noise as possible squeezing her eyes shut. "Is she in pain?" A young boy asked his arms latched to her shoulders avoiding the bullet wound.

"No, the medicine. It's causing her to imagine something, it has expired jobinuts within it. It's supposed to help keep her calm by giving her a lucid dream." The same woman spoke. "Athena heat up the blade we need to close this wound.

"Pretty sure it's not working." He replied as her head lunged forward her lungs extorting every amount of air to the wail. It hurt everything hurt she could feel all the blood pumping through her body painfully. It was as if she was locked in her own hell.

Cora glanced back at Bellamy before being struck causing her to fall. She turned feeling a blade dig into her stomach. A cry left her lips as the blade left her body moving to kill her. The figure standing over her was quickly shot down by Miller. She glanced up with a nod her stomach growing in pain.

"She moves and she'll be in more pain hold her still."

"Why are we even helping this sky witch. She killed him! She burned 300 of our warriors." The younger girl protested.

"This girl is a warrior you didn't see her fight the way I did. She wants to survive, she'll do whatever it takes. We train her and then when her people come to kill us she will be able to save us! Am I clear?" The woman slammed her fists down on the table, she repeated herself in a foreign language.


She could tell she wasn't gonna make it to the drop ship. Instead she ran as far and as fast as she could getting out of a foxhole. Her side burned in pain as the force of a fire pushed her out. Slowly Cora began to fade not able to find another face or some other memory to latch onto.

The woman pressed the blade onto the girls raw skin her body immediately reacted, her back arched and her hand quickly grabbed onto something else. It happened to be another hand, although it didn't pull back it allowed her to apply the pain she was feeling into that hand. She squeezed the hand tightly as her eyes remained shut her voice releasing a scream into her void of pain.

Her memory began to flutter as the flashbacks faded. For all she knew, Bellamy hadn't made to the drop ship. For all she knew, he was dead.

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