Authors Note.

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A/N: Hope you weren't expecting a real update sorry. 😂 So I've been preparing for finals and I have them tomorrow till the end of the week I've been working on the next chapter and all so it should be up ASAP.

Just for fun comment what you think is going to happen next chapter. Is Cora going to escape or nah, is Bellamy going to be a lil shit or a cute lil shit?

Anyways thank you for being so patient, well most of you. *cough cough* not Jessica *cough* If you're curious Jessica is a friend who reads the story and has been giving me poop for not updating.

The edit is a thought that came to me while studying for finals, great right? No not really but whatever I think it's cool, then again I made it. But the edit goes into depth of what kinda goes on in Cora's mind besides the millions of the other things.

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