Chapter 6

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Nikki sits on the hospital bed as Jay's brother Will looks her over "Does that hurt?" Will asked as he pressed down on her shoulder seeing her wince "A little" Will nods moving her shirt out the way

He wince seeing a big black bruise on her right shoulder "Doesn't seem to be broken but I would ice that for about a week" He moves around grabbing some wraps and a tube of something "Can you take off your shirt?"

Nikki looks at him for a minutes before carefully taking off her shirt, Will breath gets caught in his throat seeing the scars all over her front and back, it was just like how Jay and Mouse looked when they got back

A throat clearing broke him out of his thoughts, blushing in embarrassment Will quickly went to work adding a thin layer of bruising cream and starts wrapping her shoulder when someone enter the room

"Angle, how do you feel?" Rossi asked stopping at the door, he hates how many scars she has on her only at 23 years old "Fine, just a bruised shoulder. How's Jay?" Will looks up hoping the get some news on his brother

Rossi holds his hand out with a small smile "He's fine, everything came back clear. You both are allowed to leave after your finished" the both of them give a sigh of relief "Well then your good" Will said tapping the wraps

Nikki puts on her shirt with the help of Will when she couldn't get her right arm high enough to get her arm through. "Take these if the pain starts coming back" Will handed her a bottle full of pain meds. Nikki grabbed them but knew she wouldn't need them "Thanks Will"

"Anytime Nikki"

Nikki followed Rossi out of the room to the teams were Jay was signing out "Jay" he turned around hearing his name just in time to get an arm full of Nikki "Thank God you're okay" Nikki muttered against his shoulder

His arms wrapped around her waist holding her close "All thanks to you Nyx" she pulls away to quickly sign out before going back into Jay's arms. The two teams didn't say anything as Jay got into the back of the SUV with Nikki

"I'll take Jay's truck," Kevin said, grabbing the keys from Hank. Hotch and Rossi hopped in the SUV with Nikki and Jay while Derek, Spencer, Emily and JJ got in the other SUV. The special unit getting in their own cars and driving off

The ride to the station was quiet, Rossi looked in the rearview mirror seeing Nikki in Jay's arms as he whispers in her ear trying to calm her down. Hotch and Rossi share a look but don't say anything seeing something really spooked Nikki

"I'm okay. I'm breathing Nyx" Jay whispered in her ear feeling her body shaking against him "I'm not going anywhere. I promise" Nikki nods against his chest as Hotch pulls up to the station. Getting out the SUV first, Jay helps Nikki out before wrapping an arm around her waist keeping her close

Walking behind the two teams Nikki rested her head against Jay's chest "Nikki! Jay!" The two look up, everybody in the station is in the front room, many looking at the two in worry. Before they can say anything Mouse wraps his arms around the two making them quickly react wrapping their own arms around him

Everyone is silent as they watch Mouse run up to them and throw his arms around them, the two quickly responding to his hug "When I heard about the bomb and fire...." Mouse voice is heard. Nikki takes a shaky breath as they pull out the hug

Mouse looks over them making sure there is no permanent damage "Just a couple of bruises, Mouse" Jay told him looking at Nikki in worry, she hasn't spoken since they left the hospital. Mouse must have notice Nikki silence since he motion them upstairs

As they passed the other officers, they gave a nod to Nikki, everyone knowing she was the one to get herself and Jay out of the bombing and fire without too much damage done to them. Both teams followed them up and watched silently as Jay and Mouse made Nikki sit in Jay's chair

"Nyx, what's wrong. Talk to us" Jay sat down in front of her with Mouse standing next to him. Nikki looked at them and they immediately hated the look in her eyes. It was the same look she had when they were stuck in the fox hole


Nikki swallowed looking at her old teammate, the only one who would know what she's feeling "It was like I was back on the battlefield." Rossi, Jay and Mouse take a sharp intake of breath. It wasn't a good thing of what happened reminded her of something

"Jay wasn't responding, the bomb and fire coming towards us, having to drag his unconscious body to safety. It felt just like that day, but only I was alone" she closes her eyes trying to get the image of Jay on the floor out of her mind

Arms wrap around her shoulders pulling her into someone's side. Looking up, she meets the brown eyes of Mouse "It's okay Athena. He's alive, we all are"

"Not all of us," she whispers. Jay and Mouse close their eyes remembering the other 3 members of their platoon. Jackson, Harry and Anna. They were more than teammates. They were family

Jay stands in front of the both of them, he knows they took it the hardest since the both of them were conscious when Jackson, Anna and Harry were killed

"Look at me, the both of you" Mouse and Nikki look up at him and his heart breaks seeing the tears in their eyes "They loved you both, they loved all of us just like we loved them and you might not want to hear it but they would sacrifice themselves for us again"

Nikki shakes her head, tears falling down her face "They would, Nikki. You know they would, just like we would have sacrificed ourselves for them" Derek and Spencer held onto each other hands while Adam laid a hand on both Kevin and Antonio shoulders

"Don't let their sacrifices go to waste. We live for them, every single day we wake up, every time we breathe, every person we save. It's for them. And it is not your fault they died, they loved us" one hand is on each of their cheeks "They. Loved. Us" he tells them sternly

Mouse and Nikki nod leaning into Jay's hand. He leans down putting his forehead against theirs closing his eyes, Jay enjoys the heat they give off. They just hold each other while the others leave to give the three some space

One thing going through the three minds. They loved us.

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