Chapter 21

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Jay, Mouse, Alexi and the two teams were in the living room talking when they heard things being slammed shut. The BAU and Intelligence unit jumped up ready to see what was going on when Jay waved them off not looking up from his files "Don't bother, it's just Nyx" He winced when he heard a loud bang

"That's Nikki?" Emily asked, pointing to the stairs. The three men looked at the two teams, seeing them tense ready to fight, "Calm down," Mouse told them, taking a seat on the sofa. "Athena sometimes does this. When things get too much she does this, it actually helps her to talk" Mouse told them

Alexi hummed "That's always been the way she is. Did it back in Russia as well"

They all jumped when the door up stairs slammed shut before footsteps on the stairs made them look back to see Nikki storming down with a map in her hands. She slammed it on the table "I need air" Nikki muttered storming to the backyard

The teams looked at each other before Alexi stood "I got this one" He told the boys. Jay and Mouse nodded letting him leave knowing Nikki needed fatherly advice and not boyfriend advice

Mouse watched Alexi leave, he knew Nikki was taking this hard because he was too. The two had to watch as their team was killed in front of them, they watched as the people they saw as family died because of one girl. He didn't want Aliva to come out of this alive, she doesn't deserve it

She doesn't deserve to live when the others can't


Jay turned to his boyfriend "Yeah Mouse?" He asked softly. Mouse looked away from the backyard and turned to his boyfriend, brown eyes now almost dark with hatred "Aliva doesn't come out of this alive" He told him.

Mouse didn't care for the sharp intake of breath from the teams, he didn't care what they thought. Yes he loved his team, they were his family, but his old team? The team Aliva killed? They will always be his first family, and they deserve to rest in peace knowing the person who killed them is dead and gone. For good.

Jay brought his hand up to cup Mouse cheek, rubbing his thumb over Mouse cheek just like the shorter man liked it "I promise you. Aliva isn't coming out of this alive" And Jay will keep that promise. He will never allow Aliva to live when she took that from their family

Mouse smiled slightly at Jay before turning back to watch the backyard with a frown. The two men watching their girlfriend talk with one of her father figures "Do you think she'll be okay?" They heard Emily ask. Jay shrugged not taking his eyes off Nikki "She will be. But Nyx will want Aliva dead more than anyone, even us"

"Why?" Hank asked

Mouse sighed, finally looking away from his girlfriend back to the team, to see Derek and Spencer had joined them "Because she blames herself" He got looks of disbelief and curiosity "Athena also knew something was wrong with Aliva. You know how she gets these gut feelings that are always right?" He looked at the BAU team

They all nodded, at first it was kind of freaky as none of them have been right every single time but they learned to live with it "Well, that's what Nikki felt with Aliva. It's why she was so guarded when it came to her"

"So she blames herself because she thinks she should have followed her gut. That if she did, none of this would be happening" Hank filled in. The boys nodded at their boss. Hank and Alvin shared looks, they couldn't imagine what Nikki was going through, but they had a slight sense that she wouldn't stop blaming herself for her team dying until the one who killed them is dead themselves

Outside, Nikki let the Chicago wind wrap around her, "If you're here to tell me not to let this get to me, don't bother" She suddenly said. Alexi stood next to his daughter figure not saying a word for a few minutes before he sighed

"I know Aliva isn't coming out alive" Nikki turned a little to see him "But you come out alive. You hear me?" Alexi blue eyes locked on with her brown eyes. The two stared at each other silently before Nikki shook her head "I can't promise that"


"You know I can't. Don't make me"

Alexi sighed. He did know Nikki couldn't promise that she would come back alive, he knows her too well, she wouldn't rest until Aliva is dead "Fine, then promise me you'll try to come back to us. To your boys. To me"

Nikki swallowed looking at him "I promise" she muttered. She wanted to come back to her boys and to her team and to him and Sky, but if she has the chance to kill Aliva, she's going to take it. She just hopes she won't die in the process       

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