Chapter 14

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Nikki sat in one of the back rooms alone, she needed to get away. After revealing a part of her past to the team, Jay and Derek were sent out to get Noah, she wanted to be alone before seeing the man that beat her half to death

Aaron and Rossi stood by the door watching her stare at nothing, "Angle" Rossi said. Nikki turned to them blinking "Yeah" she asked clear her throat after hearing how thick it sounded

"How are you feeling? And don't lie" Aaron said as the two sit across from her. Nikki swallowed hard and looked away from her boss and co-worker, after spending a week with them on the last case she can say she's starting to see them as family. And they can say the same for her, they see her as family

Aaron sees her as the daughter he never got to have

Rossi sees her as the granddaughter he always wanted

And Nikki sees Aaron as a father figure she always needed and Rossi as the grandfather figure she never knew she wanted

"Honesty... I have no idea" Nikki put her head in her hands "I just- I tried so hard to keep that part of my past locked away and now... Knowing those girls in there are free because of the instruction I left" Nikki sighs shaking her head

She doesn't know how to explain it. Knowing those girls are alive only because of something she left when she was little, knowing that without those instructions they would have been killed just like the others, just like she almost was

"Do you want to sit out of this one, Nikki?" Aaron asked, he didn't want her working if she wasn't comfortable around this case anymore. "No" Nikki shook her head taking a deep breath "No, I want to work, I'll be fine" the two gave her a look "I will. I'm going to be staying with Jay or Mouse for the case anyways"

"Is everything okay?"

"...Yeah. Yeah everything's okay"

She wanted to tell them, God she did. She wanted to tell them to get the hell out of town and back to D.C. where it's safe so she, Jay and Mouse can find the person targeting them, she wanted to tell them it wasn't safe here but she couldn't. It was top military secret that only the three of them now about

"Nikki" Rossi waved a hand in front of her face snapping her out of her thoughts "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Halstead and Morgan are almost back," Aaron told her. Nikki nods before leaving the room heading to the front where the rest of the teams are. They watch as she heads over to Mouse who wrapped an arm around her shoulder whispering something in her ear, everyone saw her relax

Nikki looks at Mouse with a small smile "You sure?"

"Of course"

The team shared confused looks wondering what he told her but shrugged thinking if he got her to smile it couldn't have been that bad. The two continued talking when both their phones went off, Nikki pulled out her phone to see a text from a random number 'You took the person I love. So now I'm going to take the person you love' a photo of the team SUV was shown


"Yeah I got it too" Mouse looked at his phone in disbelief "I'm calling him, you try and find out where that text was sent" Nikki told him quickly calling Jay

"Angle, What's wrong?" Emily asked

"Jay and Derek are in trouble" Nikki told her just before Jay answered the phone

"Hey Nyx-"

"Jay! Listen to me, where are you right now?" Nikki rushed out

"About to pull up to the station, why?"

"Jay, that person is following you. Mouse and I just got sent a text that you're in danger, get here as fast as you can. Me the others will meet you outside"

"Copy that"

Nikki hung up her phone turning to the others who were on full alert "We need to go now, someone is following Jay and Derek." she tells them leading them down the stairs "Jay is the target but if Derek gets in the way, he can be killed" she looked at the sergeant

"Sergeant I need this place on lockdown, no one gets in or out when we step back in" Patty looked at Hank who nodded "Got it" she grabbed the desk phone and started making calls. They see the SUV pull in and right behind them, a black honda car

Once Jay and Derek stepped out of the SUV, shots started being fired. The team rushes outside, Hank, Hotch, Antonio and Kevin grabbing shields, other offices rush outside to see what was going on

Nikki and Spencer rush to their boyfriends sides as Emily grabs Noah and brings him to safety "Come on Jay! You're their target" Nikki yelled as Kevin moved to block them. Mouse stands at the door grabbing both Nikki and Jay "Move! They're after us, go!" he yelled making some look after them as they rush upstairs

The team started backing inside as the car drove away. Jay, Nikki and Mouse leaned against the staircase and gate breathing heavily as everyone turned to them "How the hell did they find us?" Jay asked

"I don't know"   

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