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You all arrive safely to the concert grounds backstage and all get ready. Me and bill where vocalizing our voices and harmonizing while the rest just watching . We were singing petals by hole and thankfully no mistakes where made. That just gave you even more confidence than you had before. When you stepped on stage with the rest of the band everyone cheered harder than you've ever heard before. The fans where rlly something you thought to yourself.

After you interacted with the fans and sang your heart out with bill and the rest of the band everyone still went crazy for one person. And that was Tom. For some reason he was the one everyone liked, and for you some liked you and some didn't but most liked you. Other girls just grew jealous of you since you where the only girl in the band. But you didn't care.


It was time for fans sign and all the girls where lined up ready to get all of your signatures most looked up to you and called you all sorts of complements saying "y/n your so beautiful!!" Or "your voice is amazing! I wanna sound like that one day!!" All those complements always managed to show a smile out of you and thank them. But some haters wouldn't say much and just ask you to sign it which didn't bother you, at least they didn't skip you. But all the girls went crazy for Tom, some in particular he would flirt with. This infuriated you. You guys where in a relationship but none of the fans knew so you had to act like it didn't bother you.

After the concert you all went to a party close by to our hotel, apparently a famous celebrity invited you all to which me and Georg where clueless on who it was but didn't care really, anything for free drinks no?
We walk around and I hang out with bill while we ordered shots from the bartender. The loud music booming through your ears and your body almost shook with every boom from the speakers. There was colorful lights everywhere, once in a while flashing into your eyes making you squint a little. Bill and you look a shot and started laughing high-fiving each other "the first one is always the hardest" I say to bill he points at me and says "word!!"
After a couple shots your almost blank and say to bill "im gonna go dance!! Wanna come with" he nods and you grab his hand to lead him to the dance floor since he's as drunk as you are. Then party rock anthem started playing and you all jump up and down to the lyrics. "Partyy rocks in the house tonight!! Everybody just have a good time!! And we gonna make you loose your mindddd!! And we justtt wannaaa see ya!!!" All the people on the dance floor say and you all jump and shake your heads to the music. You've never had so much fun in your life until now, you never felt so free until now. You and bill were laughing and dancing to the music.

After a couple minutes you and him get tired and walk to the couch near the dance floor to take a break "WOOO THAT WAS FUN!!" You say falling on the couch "YEAAA IT WAS AMAZING" bill says watching everyone dance to the music. Then womanizer started play "OH SHIT THIS MY GAM" you say getting up and going back to the dance floor. Bill laughs and stays sitting down watching you dance, dw your a good dancer.
Georg and gustav join in and sit down next to bill and say "wow y/ns really enjoying herself" Georg says laughing at you dancing and singing the song. Gustav chuckles and claps to celebrate you.
"Hey where's Tom!!" Bill says looking around "we haven't seen him all night!! Maybe he left" Georg says shrugging and so does bill. As the song changes to Woo by Rihanna you scream with everyone else as all the people get hyped up. Some grinding on others and others started to make out on the couch near the band they all get awkward and continue to look at you dancing.

A guy gets closer to you and starts to try to dance with you grabbing your waist and try's to swing you back and forth. You look up and realize it's not Tom and push him away "get the fuck away from me!" And you speed walk away upstairs. The song still playing in your head and booming around the entire mansion. As the band sees you walk away they follow behind you to make sure your okay. You look for a random room so you could lay down or at least relax. You walk to a closed door and swing it open, only to reveal Tom making out with a random girl he turns to you surprised and the rest of the band is behind you as stunned as you. And instead of running away you storm to them and yank the girl by the hair and drag her out the room "get the fuck out of here you filthy bitch!!" You say slamming the door on her and locking it with the rest of the band inside. Tom stunned still looking at you wide eyed, the rest of the band looking disappointed at Tom.

You storm back to Tom and slap him right across the face. Everyone surprised especially Tom "what the fuck!" He says looking at you standing up towering over you. You look up at him and push him back on the bed and say "how could you do this to me!" You say to him and you could tell he felt bad but he tried not to show it "don't you dare say that to me" you scoff "says the guy that just cheated on me, if you had a heart you'd stay loyal to me!!" You scream right on his face "stop acting like you love me! Cause you don't! Youll just dump me like very other guy you've dated!! You wanna know why I cheated on you, because I don't give two shits about you!! I don't love you y/n!" The silence was loud after that but you pulled through and bounced back "I don't give a fuck! You know what, I'm done with you! I hope your happy with all of the other bitches your gonna fuck after this!" You pull out a middle finger and as your about to walk away but then he says something that shocked you "you know this was all a bet right?"
The music on the speakers changed to new person, same old mistakes by tame impala.
You turn around to look at him "what was a bet?"
"This whole relationship!" Tom says laughing and your heart goes cold. Feel like brand new person right now🎶 the song continues. "Is this true?" You look at all of them and they all look away from you. You scoff and say "holy shit. Your really gonna throw away years of a friendship that quickly!!" You yell at everyone and they all stay silent and Tom just looks at you "OKAY FUCK IT THEN! IM OUT OF HERE!!" You say about to leave until you stop yourself and say "you can kiss us together in a band goodbye, cause I'm never coming back to this shit whole again...You got that?" They stay silent and you open the door and walk away. Feel like a brand new person right now, so how will I know that it's right 🎶


Then suddenly your on a plane back to your city, the place you always found happiness in again, city of choice. As you get off the plane you call your manager, he answers with a hello right away "get me a studio, I have some ideas for a solo album." "Yes, ofc as soon as possible?" "Yes." You say hanging up and walking to your taxi. And the future begins now....

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