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We sat and ate dinner it was as good as ever. We had conversations like that he doesn't really believe in love he doesn't understand it I told him I bet someone will change that someday. He just tsked and I laughed I was enjoying his company and his conversations. It felt like he was listening to me and was paying attention. My gaze bounced between his eyes and his lips... I think I wanted him to kiss me. Mrs. Kwang walked past and smiled at me on her way out the door. When the waiter came by with the check, I looked at it the original total was 45 dollars then there was a "family discount" of 35 dollars. I put in 25 dollars 10 to cover the bill and 15 as a tip I gave it back to the waiter. When I turned back Kais's jaw was on the floor, I asked do I have something on my face I asked. It came down to the fact that I paid like I cared honestly, I chuckled at the whole thing. I dragged him outside I wanted to get to bed, and the bill was all paid up. There was a light breezy making it a bit chilly and I shivered at it. He offered me his coat which at first, I refused but he insisted so I put it on. He rolled up my sleeves and fixed the front but stopped and tugged at the fabric pulling me closer to him. Our lips were only a few inches away and even on my tippy toes, it was too far. He smirked and leaned down catching my lips I kept trying to get closer to him. I felt him smile against my lips then he picked me up I wrapped my arms around his neck and relaxed into the kiss. After a bit, I pulled away and he walked me back to the cafe. Where is your car, he asked I left it at home I said. He put me down and walked me to his car I climbed inside after he opened the door. When he turned the car on it started massaging me and it was so warm, I laid my head down on his center console just for a second. When my eyes fluttered open and there was a ray of sunlight in my eyes, I flung up out of the bed. I don't know what happened or who's bed this was cause it's not mine. There was a sudden knock on the door and Kai walked in Oh good morning princess he said. Good morning, I answered did you sleep with me last night I added. No, I slept in the guest room. I ate breakfast and then had to head home so I could do some things on my day off like sleep and laundry. He dropped me off at home and I kissed him goodbye. The whole day I washed and folded laundry, I meal prepped, I did some shopping, and I had a nap or two. I cooked dinner and ate it on my couch watching the sunset. It was orange and pink with some purple looking clouds. I did the dishes again and so I had no dishes in the sink or the dishwasher. My apartment was spotless, and it was almost 8 pm and I hadn't heard from Kai. I went to bed and at around 8:30 there was a message from Kai are you up he asked. I answered yes why I asked. There was a knock on my door suddenly, I got up and answered it and it was kai standing there with a small bouquet of flowers in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Aww thank you I said smiling please come in. He came inside and took off his shoes what are you doing here I asked. I was bored and thought id come see you he fake coughed and said I missed you. I smiled and jumped into his arms and hugged him aww you Kai summers the guy who can have anyone missed me I grabbed his face and squeezed his cheeks. Yeah Yeah he said I missed you I continued to mock him and make jokes until he put me down. Do you want to watch a movie with me I asked sure he said, and I lead him into my bedroom. I climbed into bed and laid down he climbed in after and laid down as well. I turned on a movie that he had said was his favorite and attempted to cuddle up to him half on him. I don't cuddle he said oh I said and turned back around kind of sad but if that wasn't his thing it wasn't his thing. I sighed nestling into my pillow and pulling the blanket over my head. I continued to watch the movie nearly falling asleep. However, a hand grabbing the back of the sweatshirt I'm wearing and an arm slithering between my legs then both yanking me back into a hard chest. I gasped as I felt his breath on my neck. What are you doing I asked I'm cuddling you he whispered nuzzling into my neck. Why I asked rather curious what changed I don't know he said you don't have to I can just sleep on the edge of the bed we don't have- shhh he said covering my mouth. Maybe I do know why, and you just don't need to know. His other hand had moved to my stomach as his fingers traced circles around where his hand is. I snuggled in more to him and he wrapped around me more. His hand moved off my mouth and into my hair. It was just so relaxing. I turned over and snuggled into his chest I propped my leg over his lap. His hand slowly drifted under my shirt and started rubbing circles on my back while I slowly fell asleep.

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