Round THREE.8

17 0 5

Erix wakes up, and he can see Ace clashing swords with a blonde man with a crown. Erix scans his surroundings, and it seems that he's in the throne room.

How did I get here?!

Erix thought to himself.

Ace's Viewpoint

As Erix dozes off. Hundreds of guards come rushing out of the castle's door, surrounding Ace and Erix. 

Ace picks up Erix and runs down the street, and the guards chase them. Ace takes a turn in an alleyway and drops Erix's body on the ground before rushing out of the alleyway with his sword and crossbow.

As he runs out of the alleyway, a hail of arrows comes down at him. He rolls to the side and throws his sword at a guard. 

He runs to get his sword, and dozens of guards surround him. A guard blocks his way and swings his sword at Ace, but Ace jumps over him and shoots him in the back with his crossbow before landing.

A hail of arrows came falling down on him, and three guards started charging him. Ace swiftly sweeps the guards off the ground, and he pulls one over and covers himself from the hail of arrows with the guard's body.

Ace drops the guard's body on the ground and runs over to his sword again, but just then an arrow from the back of the guard comes flying towards Ace. He grabs the arrow and redirects it to a guard in the front.

Finally, Ace gets his sword, but by the time he got it, he was already surrounded by the guards, and the archers were ready to hail hundreds of arrows.

"Surrender to us now, Ace." A woman's voice says from behind the guards.

The guards make way for the woman, and the woman has White hair, green eyes, and a scar on her eye.

"If you surrender to us now, I promise I'll let your friend live." The woman says

"I'll never surrender to the likes of you, Mother." Ace says.

"Fine, if that is what you wish, then that's what you shall receive." The woman says before stepping out:

The guards start charging Ace from all sides, and The arrows start hailing down. This was the moment where Ace would've died, but Ace is simply too cool for that.

Ace slides under a guard and picks him up before throwing him in the air, blocking some of the arrows.

An unsuspecting guard attacks Ace from behind. Ace easily sees through this and kicks the guard on the stomach. The guard lets go of his sword, and Ace kicks the sword, making it fly towards a guard, and it hits them on the stomach.

Seven guards swing their swords at Ace, and Ace jumps midair. While he was in midair, the archers sent arrows flying towards him. But despite Ace being in this tight situation, he still dodges the arrows mid-air. He even grabbed an arrow and loaded it into his crossbow.

As he falls to the ground, the guards point their swords up, hoping that Ace will land on the swords and die.

Ace, while in midair, swaps the sword and crossbow; now his sword is on his left hand and the crossbow is on his right.

Meanwhile in the castle

The woman earlier is kneeling down to the king sitting on the throne.

"Have you captured your son?" The king says

"No, but I did capture his friend." The woman says.

"I see." The king says before walking towards a window.

The king can see Hundreds of guards on the street.

"I'm guessing your son is probably dead now." The king says

"That's impossible, your highness; He's my son after all." The woman says

Back to Ace

With the sword in Ace's left hand, he thrusts the tip of his sword onto one of the guard's swords, thus breaking the guard's sword into pieces. Ace then lands on the guard's face, and he jumps over to the archers in the back.

The archers pull out a sword and start swinging at Ace.

With the sword in Ace's left hand, he dodges the archer, and he shoots his crossbow at the other archer that charged him.

The archer Ace dodged swings at him again, and Ace dodges it again and takes an arrow from the archer's quiver.

As he loaded it in his crossbow, the guards he jumped over started charging him from behind. The first guard that charged him, Ace points his crossbow directly at the guard's head, causing him to stop in his tracks.

As the guard stopped in his tracks, Ace charged the last few archers left. The last three archers left were lacerated by Ace's sword.

The numbers of the guards were thinning up, and the last few guards started charging Ace all at the same time.

Ace, with one swing, lacerates all of them. 

In the back, the same guard Ace pointed his crossbow at was standing there, very scared.

Ace approaches the last guard, and as he gets closer, the guard starts to tremble even more.

"I want you to send a message to General Mira and the King." Ace says coldly.

The guard nods and runs away.

Ace starts rushing down the alleyway where he left Erix. The moment he got there, Erix was nowhere to be seen, and a note was left on the ground.

What's written in the note is, I have your friend; if you want him, you better surrender your head to us now. Sincerely, Mom.

Ace, out of anger, crumpled the piece of paper.

Ace walks out of the alleyway and starts walking back to the road full of guards and starts looting them, taking a total of three swords and a ton of arrows.

Meanwhile back in the castle

The door in the throne room bursts open, and the guard runs over to the King and the woman.

The guard salutes before saying, "The guy from outside says that he's coming for your head, your highness."

The king laughs and dismisses the guard. 

"I'm guessing your son is left-handed like you, General Mira." The king says.

"Yes, your highness, I even taught him everything I know about fighting." The woman says.

"This will be interesting. You are now dismissed, General Mira, and leave the guy in the room." The king says

General Mira nods and leaves the throne room, Leaving Erix and the King alone.

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