So it Begins... Again?

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It was another day in Kanto with the Pokemon running about. Ash and pikachu had 6 sets of badges. Prof. Oak said he was contacted by the Urios regions prof. Aspen. Ash was very surprised about another region. He asked professor Oak why they contacted him now. He said "they have received word of a great Pokemon trainer, and by that, they mean you, Ash." Ash was dumb struck, he wanted to go to this amazing new region! Oak said they fly off in a weeks time. They will be expecting you, and they will tell you to go as you all ways do, in a new region, collect 8 gym badges and advance to the championship, training their region specific Pokemon all the while. Of course there is team rocket, hiding in the shadows planning there next failure to grab the same damn pikachu, as they have for the last 5 regions. This will be another awing, long, and semi-frustrating journey.

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