Arriving in Urios

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After the long plane ride Ash was so excited. He eagerly awaited meeting the local professor and Pokemon. They then walked to the Urios docking bay where they were then taxied to the lab. When they arrived there was a new trainer picking her first Pokemon starter, the 3 Pokemon where as follows; fire- vampraptor, grass- gramalion, water- turtanium , she chose the fire Pokemon. She then left on her quest to defeat 8 gym leaders (which Ash has done 6 times already, 7 if you count the orange league in season 2 of Gen. 1). Ash anxiously ran up to prof. Aspen, repeatedly saying I'm ash and this is pikachu. After a whole lot of nonsense talking about Pokemon statistics (which they do to much if in the show) finally ask ash if he wants to beat 8 Urios gym leaders. He obviously said yes. They then, pretty much kicked him out the door. Ash began running, hoping to catch up to the girl who left 5 minutes prior. He somehow caught up to her, nervously introducing himself "h-hey I-I'm A-Ash and this is p-pikachu"
She replies Back "hey I'm, Zoe, nice to meet you Ash"
Ash being more confident "cool, can i see your Pokemon?"
She took out her only pokéball and released her vampraptor, Ash nearly fell over at the sight of this awesome Pokemon. Then out of nowhere a mechanical arm grabs the vampraptor. Ash quickly told pikachu to use iron tail to smash the arm, he was successful. Out of the shadows walked (guess who) team rocket, they started to say there piece, when Ash said
"Ohh, shut up, I get it, your evil, you want my pikachu, and whatever other Pokemon you can capture"
Meowth now angered used fury swipes, but didn't get far before Zoe's vampraptor used flamethrower on meowth. Ash and Zoe then used a combination of electroball and flamethrower to send "team rockets blasting off again"
Afterwards Ash said "well I expected that to happen"
Zoe asks "why do you know this?"
Ash replies "because they have followed me across 5 other regions!"
Zoe simply nodded and set off to the nearest town.

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