The First Urios pokemon (a double catch)

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Ash and Zoe have been walking for a couple days after their encounter with team rocket. So they were very relieved to have made it to Vemosai city where the 1st gym leader resides. But Ash did not want to go up against a gym leader with just pikachu, especially since they don't know the Pokemon of this region. So Ash went to the forests around the city to find a Pokemon. As he walked through the city, he noticed a humped shape in a dark alley. He investigated the shape to find it was a turtanium, the water starter for this region. He noticed it was badly hurt so he rushed it to the Pokemon centre for treatment. Nurse Joy was sickened by the injuries this Pokemon had acquired. They healed the Pokemon and Ash cared for the turtanium and the water Pokemon gratefully helped Ash and they trained with Zoe and her vampraptor to get turtanium back in battling shape. Ash new it was a 3 vs 3 for gyms, so he went to the forest. After a while of searching he found a hawksoar and quickly defeated it with pikachu, then captured it in a pokéball. They were training lots in preparation for the gym battle that awaited!

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