Dinosaur Rampage: part 2- the fossil gym battle

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After the incident was over Ash and Zoe thought he needed to train some more. They walked down to the battle club where Jon George escorted them to the field where Ash would battle another trainer with rock Pokemon. Ash used gramalion and easily took them down. Then they walked down to the gym to confront Rex, the gym leader. The gym was ginormous. Rex sent out his newest Pokemon. Baryonyx. Ash sent out gramalion. Ash commanded gramalion to use solar beam and razor leaf but, the giant Pokemon is stunningly fast. He used ancient power then used slash and also used bite. gramalion was unable to battle. Ash sent out turtainium, who used hydro pump to defeat Baryonyx. Rex sent out Quetzel another dinosaur pokemon, it used ancient power, wing attack, and gust easily overpowering turtainium. Ash then sent out electicub but before it could attack it was one shorted by ancient power. Ash left the gym defeated and slightly frustrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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