The Gramalion Pride (like a pride of lions :3 )

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Ash, Pikachu, and Zoe, were walking down the road in a savannah like prairie. They seen a pride of gramalions sleeping under a huge acacia tree. As they were walking they seen a playful adolescent gramalion, blocking their path. Ash prepared to battle it. He sent out falceon, knowing the type advantage. The plant type used stun spore then vine whip followed by razor leaf, Ash used gust to blow the stun spore back paralyzing the gramalion. He then used wing attack and gust the plant type. Ash then threw out a Pokeball, and caught the gramalion. Of course it is never that easy, as the battle was going on it awoken the sleeping group of gramalions. Ash looked to his right and seen the 15 gramalions running towards them. Then out of nowhere a glass box fell on the pride of grass pokemon, and in a familiar hot air balloon sat a very familiar trio,
Team Rocket!!! The conniving thieves had no chance to do the intro because officer Jenny had shown up and popped the balloon with her ice type pokemon, wolfcicle, using the move ice spear. Officer Jenny checked to see if Ash and co. were alright then released the gramalion pride from the glass box. And now the heroes a close to the next city, and Ash is getting excited for his 2nd gym battle...

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