The Vemosai Gym: part 2

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After Ash suffered a defeat to Kestrel, his faithful companion Zoe offered to help him train. Zoe sent out her other Pokemon fauna a grass type deer Pokemon and a relative to deerling. Ash sent out hawksoar. Zoe's fauna used poison powder then use vine whip. Ash used gust, which then poisoned fauna, then countered the vine whip with wing attack. Then hawksoar started to shine a bright blue color "he evolving" Ash exclaimed
So when the blue exploded it revealed a powerful Falceon. Ash new he would have a better chance especially since now it knows brave bird and steel wing. While they are admiring Falceon they don't notice fauna evolving into Floradoe. Zoe turns around and is shocked to find the Floradoe instead of the fauna, she was very happy. Ash filled with new confidence headed to see kestrel. He found kestrel in the gym and challenged her yet again to a gym battle. the battle commenced but this time she started with laughingas a balloon like Pokemon and Ash released his new Falceon. The laughingas used sludge immediately following with toxic. Falceon countered the poison type moves with steel wing and destroyed Kestrel's Pokemon with brave bird. kestrel then sent out manticorum, ash used wing attack and steel wing quickly disabling her 2nd Pokemon. She called out vipro again but it used squeeze to defeat Falceon. Ash sent out pikachu, using electroball and iron tail to finally defeat the Vemosai gym. kestrel rewarded Ash with the Fang badge. Ash and Zoe are now packing up for their journey to the next town.

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