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Thank you so much to EVERYBODY who commented on the last chapter, I wish I could've dedicated this to every single one of you who did, but sadly it's not possible :( It was hard to choose a favorite comment though, all of them were amazing!



hey follow me on twitter @miniturdx- new account as of august 2015! i'll be more active on twitter than this account :)



"We are so going to die, this is dangerous, we shouldn't- oh god Niall, we're moving!" I squealed, my hand gripping tightly to Niall's forearm and he chuckled. "S'okay, Abbie, we're not going to crash - look, take the twins' example! They're not panicking! Just breathe, Ducky! The plane didn't move yet" Niall comforted me, placing his other hand on top of mine and rubbing lightly the top of my hand.

I exhaled slowly and forced myself to peek out the small window as the plane sat idly on the runway. My free hand flitted to my seat belt for the twentieth time, making sure it was secured. "Can't believe you got me to agree to this" I whispered through clenched teeth.

"Aw, come on Abbie! You wanted this as much as I did, we both know that! Even the twins are excited, look!"

Niall motioned with his head towards the twins facing us in the private jet, both sitting all buckled up in their seats and fighting over who got to look through the tiny window. There was no fear at all on their faces, just pure excitement and joy.

"See? Take their example-"

"But they don't know about the dangers! Niall, they think that if they jump off a building and flap their arms they won't fall to the ground like a dead corpse, they think they'll turn into birds! They don't know that this plane could crash or burst into flames or explode or-"

"Abbie, relax, please" Niall begged quietly, moving one hand to the back of my neck and tugging me closer so our foreheads were pressed together. "I think it was a bad idea to get Netflix, you've been watching too many movies involving plane crashes" he teased, pecking my nose as a small chuckle left his lips. I shoved him off, annoyed. "Not the time, Ni." I mumbled, pulling my legs up on the seat and wrapping my arms around them.

And that's when the plane started moving towards the runway.

"Oh god, oh my god Niall, no, please I want to get out" I panicked, hiding my face in my knees and squeezing my legs. "I really don't want to do this" I said as I drew in a shaky breath.

Niall suddenly pushed up the armrest between us and adjusted his seat belt so he could shuffle closer to me, and he wrapped his arms around me, pressing his body against mine. "Abbie, there's nothing to be afraid of. I've been on planes hundreds of times and nothing ever happened, don't worry okay?" He whispered softly in my ear, tucking his head in the crook of my neck in an effort to comfort me.

I nodded and tried to slow my breathing as the plane slowly advanced towards the runway. Niall unwrapped himself from around me and only left his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder soothingly as the twins squealing excitedly in front of us. "Jordyn! We're going to be birds!" Jonathan screamed; a huge smile on his face as he stared excitedly at my sister.

I raised my head and a small smile tugged on my lips at the sight of them being so excited. The plane then stopped abruptly and the engines started whirling noisily and I tensed up.

"Ready for takeoff." the overhead speaker crackled.

"Oh god, no, Niall please stop the plane, please I don't want to do this!" I begged suddenly, grabbing Niall's arm and squeezing it tightly as I started to shake. "Shh, it's okay" Niall reassured me, taking my hand in both of his and rubbing it softly as he leaned into me.

All Because of a Snow Storm (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now