Chapter 26

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Abbie's POV

Cleaning the house when everybody was gone felt very weird. And pointless. I clean up after myself automatically all the time, so there wasn't much for me to do about the cleaning, which left me bored for the rest of the weekend. I had promised Niall I would stay safe, at home, until Rose and Heather got back. It had been a relatively boring three days.

Kevin had texted me quite a few times, but all of his texts I left unanswered. The faster I could move on, the better. I know Niall told me not to give up, but fuck it. They're in America, somewhere in Florida by now, and there's just four days left until the Burrods gain full custody of the twins. There's no hope.

For the past three days, since my "encounter" with the group of guys, I've been extremely nervous. I was constantly afraid of them figuring out that I was home alone,

So naturally I freaked out when the door knocked loudly at 11:27pm on Sunday night.

Automatically, I got out my phone as the knocks became louder. I texted Niall: "there's someone at the door. i'm scared."

Just a few moments later, Niall replied. "maybe it's someone important. u should check, i think i have a feelin who it is"

I frowned. How could Niall know who it was? I replied with: "well if i don't answer you in ten minutes call the police i'm being kidnapped" before warily making my way to the front door, where the knocks were even louder.

I checked my phone one last time before opening the door. "i doubt you will be" was Niall's reply. I rolled my eyes and pulled te door opened.

I blinked at the man at the door, thoroughly surprised. "Paul?" I breathed out. "Abbie!" He smiled, stepping forward and hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, still shocked. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be watching the boys?"

He chuckled at me. "Abbie, we have a whole security team watching over them... I think they can go a few days without me"

I blushed. "Right. Wow I'm dumb" I laughed at myself, looking down. "But why are you here?"

He walked past me without a word, making himself at home. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his bags on the ground before walking to the living room. He sat down on the couch and patted the space next to him. "I have something to tell you. You might need to sit down for this" he warned.


I glanced nervously around the social worker's waiting room. What if they don't believe us? What if it's too late? Should Paul have come and told us sooner? Will they let us keep the twins?

I fiddled nervously with my thumbs, my knee bouncing up and down under my hands. Paul settled his large hand on my leg, calming me. "It's okay, Abbie. They can't not consider this. It's a big deal"

I nodded, forcing a small smile on my face. "Abigail Jenkins? Karen is waiting for you" the secretary called from her desk, a warm smile spread on her lips for us. I took a deep breath and pushed myself up from the tacky plastic chair.

Paul followed behind me as I followed the secretary into Karen's office. She was sat at her desk, her fingers poised over the keyboard of her laptop as she typed something up. She glanced up at us and snapped shut the laptop screen, pulling her glasses from her nose. She smiled tightly and motionned towards the chairs. "Take a seat."

We obeyed quietly and I bit my lip, my knee unwillingly bouncing up and down again. This time Paul didn't do anything though.

"Abigail, to what do I owe you the pleasure of having you in my office... again?" Karen sighed the last word. I narrowed my eyes at her and Paul cleared his throat.

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