Chapter 14

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*authors note *

Prepare for more frequent updates. I've been feeling really low and writing is an

Still no M though. that's what I needed most. Nothing else was important. The only person I needed and wanted was not here with me. I know I've left this damn girl at least 500 texts and voicemails. It's been 2 1/2 days. you can call it how you see it but that's my girl and she's not here with me like she's supposed to be. I'm up all night having panic attacks, taking pill after pill to calm the anxiety. it's my job to take care of M and I have been doing a SHITTY job. I tell myself that she's okay but if did my part I would KNOW she was okay.

Here I was riding around. Didn't know where I was going or who I was going to see but I didn't even care. I knew I was a mess because I stared at the person in every car that looked like M's hoping she would appear. did she? no.
Where was I going? Drinking.


"M, baby I'm sorry. Where are you??? How am I supposed to know if you are okay?! Why do you keep ignoring me, I'm the one you're supposed to talk to baby girl. M I know we've been having problems but I haven't left and I never intend to and you know that so why did you? You didn't try to fix anything M, you just gave up. All you had to do was talk to me. You know I would've listened. M I just want you to at least let me know you are okay. Because I love you with my whole heart and you know if something happens to you it would hit me 100x harder. I love you Meloni." I was now listening to the 1000th voicemail from T. With tears rolling down my face. I wanted to be with her so badly. My body was calling out for her. my heart, mind, and soul was too. I know where I needed and wanted to be but I just wasn't ready to return. I wasn't ready to see the hurt in T's eyes. She was right. I did leave, I didn't even attempt to make things Right. if I were in my right mind like I should be I would be at home with the love of my life. where I should be. where I needed to be. As the tears continued to roll down my eyes I started packing my things up. I started putting my bags in the car and I was gone. I knew damn well that I knew better. i was getting back into my right mind.
" Meloni what the hell happened to you girl?" I said to myself outloud.
I turned on the hypest music on and turned it up as loud as I could take. If it was the last thing I did I was going home to my beautiful girlfriend and making things right. My relationship means a lot to me.
Meanwhile here I was at a long ass red light. The lord must be upset with me. this is a punishment because he knows how much I want to get home to see T .
My phone started ringing and I was rushing like hell to find it. So I emptied out my whole bag in the passenger seat, I saw an unfamiliar number which made me answer it quicker.

"Hi, is this "M"?"
"Yes this is, may I ask who I'm speaking to?"
"This is Keira...... my brother was just in an accident with someone you know . Uhmm T?? I was calling because you're the only person in her recent call log, but I thought I would let you know I dont exactly know what's going on but you should get down here to the E.R. ASAP"
"Thanks" was the only word I managed to before I dropped the phone and mashed the gas petal. I was definitely crying now. Not even crying. Sobbing.if only I was where I was supposed to be.

10 minutes later I was running into the hospital .
"excuse me miss, can I help you?"
"Hi, I really need to see Tiana Hofman, (The last was something I made up quickly 😂) my girlfriend. Can you tell me where she is please?"
"Yes Ma'am I'm sorry but no one is allowed back there right now, but AS SOON as they allow visitors honey, you will be the first to know"

"Why won't they allow visitors?! I Need to see her!" "Please" I said crying.
The nice lady walked around from the counter handing me tissues and she gave me a hug.
"I wish I knew honey, but I'm following strict orders."
She led me to a chair and told me that everything was going to be okay and that she would tell me as soon as she knew something.

I sat there worrying my ass off for the at least 30 minutes then I fell asleep.

I felt somebody patting my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Ms. Peterson. The nice lady.
"they have kept us both waiting for quite some time dear, it's been 2 hours. But you can finally see your girlfriend!"

I was so anxious. I gave the lady a nice hug and thanked her. She could've had a nice attitude or not have given me the time of day. God was going to bless her.
I rushed to the room t was In and was so happy to see her sitting up on a bed.

I stared to cry again. She was looking at something on tv and then she looked at me.

"Baby are you okay???"

"No M, I've got a bruise on my face, baby do you see this big ass knot on my forehead?!" And all these cuts too?!" "My skin looks rough"

I couldn't help but laugh. "baby you look good to me. So very good to me"

"M, the other man in the accident, he's good too. He left about an hour ago I heard. I bet he's glad to be at home IN HIS BED."

T was a trip.

"Baby WE are going home too, so you can get the rest you need. but T I am so very sorry for everything. I've been in the wrong for. I shouldn't have just left without telling you, I should've stayed so we could talk everything out. T I love you so much and i NEVER want to lose you. You are my everything, my bestfriend. EVERYTHING"

"It's okay M, it's okay. I know I know. I love you. I love you , I love you, I love you, I love YOUUUUUUUUUU" she started singing.

"Baby lets go home"

"YESS! baby lets go HOMEEE"

|a note from M|

Fight for everything you find important. you never know when someone you love will be gone. let people you care about know you care about them.

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