💙Chapter 14💙

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Splashflight awoke in StarClan yet again. But, this time, Rushingwater was with her.

When Splashflight opened her eyes, she saw that she was in StarClan's hunting grounds once again.

A familiar cat was standing in front of her.


Mothstar blinked her brown eyes at her.

"Greetings, Splashflight. And hello, Rushingwater." A familiar voice meowed from behind the two cats.

The two cats spun around to see Mothstar sitting there, her brown eyes gleaming and her tail curled neatly over her paws.

"Rushingwater," Mothstar addressed the blue-grey tom, who met her gaze. "What Waterstar told you about Goldenflow is far from the truth."

Rushingwater's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Mothstar sighed deeply and stood to her paws. "You two must find Goldenflow."

Splashflight had just opened her mouth to say something, but someone else spoke up before she could get a word in.

"Find the Tribe of Clear Skies!" another voice rang out from the shadows. "That is where you'll find Goldenflow."

It was Redwing who had spoken.


Mothstar turned her amber gaze in the former ThunderClan medicine cat's direction.

Mothstar hissed angrily at her. "What are you doing?"

"They need to figure it out on their own!" the former RiverClan leader meowed, her eyes softening a bit as she continued speaking. "We can't just give them all the answers. It's not StarClan's job to metal with those of the living realm."

Redwing rolled her eyes. "I don't see the harm in giving them a small clue, and besides, maybe they'll find the answers that their looking for within the Tribe."

Rushingwater tilted his head to the side. "Wait, hold up! There's another Tribe?" he echoed Redwing's statement.

Redwing purred and flicked an ear. "Yes, the Tribe of Clear Skies." She mewed in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What do you mean? And who, or I guess, what, is this 'Tribe of Clear Skies?'" Splashflight asked the two she-cats in bewilderment.

Mothstar didn't answer. Instead, she started fading.

"Wait! Don't play your StarClan tricks on me! I don't deserve this!"

But it was hopeless. Mothstar was gone. Ugh, StarClan is so frustrating. Like they want to worn you about something, but they don't. What?

Splashflight felt a tail on her shoulder. She spun around. It was Redwing.

"Splashflight. You must follow the path that suits you. Not anyone else."

"What does that even mean?"

But Redwing was fading with everything else.

"StarClan will light your path."


Splashflight's eyes snapped open and she swiveled her head around to stare at Rushingwater, who had the same baffled look on his face.

"Have you ever heard of The Tribe of Clear Skies?" Splashflight mewed curiously.

Rushingwater turned towards Splashflight.

"Another Tribe? I've heard of The Tribe of Rushing Water, but I've never heard of this Tribe." He meowed with a puzzled look on his face.

Splashflight nodded in agreement. "Yeah, same here. I've never heard of the Tribe of Clear Skies before."

After a short pause, she spoke up once more.

"So, what now?" she asked him curiously.

Rushingwater just stared at her.

"Isn't it obvious? We need to go to the stream in our territory." The medicine cat replied with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Splashflight slapped a paw to her face and shook her head.

"By StarClan, I'm such a mouse-brain!" she muttered with an annoyed groan.

Rushingwater's whiskers twitched in amusement.

"Yeah, you are." He meowed with a teasing edge to his mew.

Splashflight gave him a dirty look and turned away with a small huff.

"Oh shut up," she hissed angrily at him. "Let's just go back to camp already."

"Alright, let's go!"

Splashflight nodded and the two cats patted back toward their camp.


The two cats made their way to the stream in RiverClan's territory. Their pawsteps were completely silent on the snow, not even prey noticed them. They finally found the stream they were looking for.

"Ok, we're here. Wow, look in the opposite direction of the lake! It leads to unknown territory! I can't really see it well though because of the snow." Splashflight observed.

Rushingwater sighed. "I know that Redwing told us to travel together, but I need to stay here." He meowed. "RiverClan can't be left without a medicine cat."

Splashflight nodded her head in understanding.

"You have a good point there." She mewed with a flick of her tail. "We can't leave the Clan without a healer."

"Alright then," Rushingwater mewed with a flick of his tail. "May StarClan light your path."

Splashflight dipped her head to him and turned her gaze toward the sky.

"I'll be back, and hopefully with Goldenflow." She turned back to face Rushingwater, her amber eyes narrowed. "And when I return, you will listen to what your old mentor has to say, do you understand me, Rushingwater?" her voice was low and the glare she gave him sent a shiver down the medicine cat's spine.

"Y-yes, yes of course." He mewed, his eyes meeting hers. "I'll hear her side of the story."

"Good." Was all she said in response. "I'll be on my way, and if the others ask where I've gone, tell them I'm on a journey given to me by StarClan."

Rushingwater sighed softly and nodded, his brown-striped tail flicking back and forth.

And with that, Splashflight turned away from him and headed south of the lake, just as the first light of dawn arrived.

Warriors Super Edition: Splashflight's Message book #2 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now