41. Emery

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I watch as Grayson puts my sandwich on a plate. He walks over to me and hands me the plate. He reaches down and grabs his sweats and pulls them on.

"Thank you," I smile, taking a bite.

"Come here," he murmurs, lifting me off the counter. He walks into the living room and sits us down on the couch.

"You smell good," I sigh into his neck.

"I smell like sex," he laughs.

"Mhm," I rub my nose against his neck. "It's hot."

"Emmy," he warns, and I can feel him already getting hard again, "I need you to eat."

"But why?" I ask innocently, nibbling on his ear.

"Fuck, Emmy," he takes a deep breath. "Unless you want to go for a third time, you need to stop doing that."

"I don't know if I can handle a third time," I feel myself blush when he looks at me concerned. I eat the rest of my sandwich, trying to hide my blush.

"Shit. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, baby. I didn't—"

"You didn't hurt me," I cup his face, the same way he's done to me so many times. "It was good. It felt really good. I'm just a little sore now."

"Was I too rough?" He looks almost embarrassed now.

"No, love, it was fucking perfect," I kiss his nose.

"I love it when you call me that," he smiles.

"Love?" I mumble.

"Mhm. I heard you say it before. When I had nightmares," he buries his face in my neck.

"I thought you didn't remember that," I laugh softly.

"I don't remember anything else. Just that I loved it when you called me love," he sighs.

I kiss the top of his head and smile.

"I love you," I murmur.

"I love you, too," he says sleepily.

I fall asleep to the sound of Grayson's heart beating softly.

My eyes flutter open when I hear the front door open. I look over my shoulder and see Paul walk in.

"Hey, Mr. Woods," I smile softly.

Paul comes in and stands in the doorway.

"Hi, Emery," he nods before looking at Grayson. He doesn't comment on the fact that we're both only half-dressed.

"I'm sorry," I blurt.

He looks back at me, confused. "For what?" He blinks.

"If—I mean, if I made you feel like you had to leave—earlier, in the kitchen," I stammer.

"Oh, don't be," he waves me off. "I didn't feel like I had to leave. I just know that Grayson's never had a relationship with a girl before—he says it's a waste of time—and if he's trying with you, you must be one special person. I figured he'd rather have his own space than having me around when it comes to spending time with his girlfriend."

"I don't know about special," I murmur, brushing a piece of hair away from Grayson's face, "but I know I'm lucky."

"He is too," Paul smiles at me. "I've never seen him as happy as he is now, with you."

I smile at Grayson. He's laying on top of me, supporting most of his own weight on his own, somehow, even though he's asleep. I run my fingertips through his hair.

"I'll leave you two alone," Paul stretches. "I hope I see you around more often, Emery. I love seeing him happy."

Grayson stirs and looks up at me. He turns his head towards his dad and blinks.

"Hi dad," he yawns.

"Sleep well?" Paul laughs.

"Mhm," Grayson mumbles, nuzzling his nose against my neck.

"Alright, it's almost midnight. You kids need to sleep," Paul starts walking to his bedroom.

"Goodnight, Mr. Woods," I call after him.

"It's Paul," he sighs, shaking his head.

"Goodnight dad," Grayson lifts his head a little bit.

"Goodnight," Paul mumbles.

Grayson looks up at me, his eyes heavy with sleep.

"Hi, love," I kiss him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yep. I got to cuddle my beautiful girlfriend," he smiles softly before snuggling back into me.

"Are you going back to sleep?" I ask quietly.

"Are you going back to sleep?" He frowns.

"You're so pretty," I shake my head, smiling.

"Pretty?" He arcs an eyebrow playfully. "Just so you know, I'm the most good-looking person you've ever seen."

"You are," I agree, giggling. "But you're still pretty."

"Nope," he pouts, looking away.

"Okay, I'm sorry," I bite my lip. "You're so gorgeous."

"Thank you," he smiles, satisfied, tucking himself back into my arms.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you, too," he murmurs. He falls asleep almost immediately after.

"I'm going to miss you when you're in New York," I say quietly, my voice breaking. "I'm going to miss you so much. I don't know what I'm going to do, love. You're the only one who understands, and I love you for it. I'll love you for the rest of my life. Please don't ever forget it."

I fall asleep with tears streaming down my face.

"Emmy?" Grayson says.

I open my eyes slowly.

"Why are your eyes puffy and swollen?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know," I lie.

"Were you crying?" He asks sadly. "Did I hurt your feelings last night?"

"No—no, you didn't do anything," I shake my head.

"Then why were you crying?" His voice breaks.

"Love, I swear it's nothing. I'm fine," I kiss him. The look on his face tells me he doesn't believe anything I'm saying.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost ten in the morning," Grayson whispers.

"Love, I'm fine. I promise," I say again.

"Can you tell me why you were crying? Please, baby?" He pleads.

"I just realized how much I'm going to miss you," I whisper, feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Oh, baby," he holds me tighter. "You don't need to cry. I'm not going to forget about you. I'll be back. I'm going to miss the shit out of you, but it'll be okay. I love you. I'll be back and I'll spend every second with you."

"Okay," I mumble.

My phone busses and Grayson sighs.

"We should probably go," he murmurs. "Devyn keeps texting you."

"Damnit," I pout.

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