55. Emery

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As Grayson starts driving, he puts his hand on my thigh.

"I love you," I kiss his fingers.

"I love you, too, baby," he rubs circles with his thumbs around my hand.

"Can I make out with you?" I grin at him.

"I thought you wanted to watch a movie?" He cocks his eyebrow at me.

"I can multitask," I smirk.

"Mm," he smiles.

I lean onto his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Are you hungry, baby? We can stop at Five Guys before we go," he says.

"Kind of," I bite my lip.

"Alright," he smiles. "I'll get you some food."

We pull up to Five Guys and he gets out. He opens my door and throws me over his shoulder before walking inside.

"Oh, my beautiful girlfriend," he rubs my back.

"What are you doing?" I giggle

"Holding my future wife," he sets me down at one of the tables. "Wait here, baby. I'll get you your food."

"Okay," I smile.

Future wife. Future fucking wife.

Fuck yeah.

I watch as he walks away and rest my head on the table.

Debbie and Jack walk in and I get tense. I hide my face in the hoodie I'm wearing and flicker my eyes between them and Grayson.

"No, no, no," I clamp my hands together.

Why the fuck do they keep ending up everywhere we go?

Grayson grabs the bag of food and comes walking toward me. I watch as Jack sees him and narrows his eyes. He starts walking towards us and my fingers start trembling.

"Gray," I whisper as he sits down. "We have to go—we—we can't stay here."

I try to get up and Grayson grabs my hand.

"What's wrong, baby?" He looks at me concerned. "Why are you shaking so much?"

"He's here, Gray, we have to go," I try to pull him with me but he looks around. He sees Jack and he goes stiff.

"This asshole," he growls.

"Come on, Gray. Let's just go," I pull him to the car.

He opens my door and helps me in.

He starts walking around to the driver's side and Jack comes out and starts talking to him.

Grayson ignores him and gets in the car.

"Fucking bitch," Jack shouts.

I put my hands under my thighs to try to calm myself down.

Grayson reaches over and takes one of my hands in his.

"It's okay, baby. You're okay," he squeezes my shaking fingers.

I nod and swallow the lump in my throat.

We pull up to the movies and Grayson parks. He turns in his seat so he's facing me.

"We don't have to go if you don't—"

"No—no, I do," I shake my head. "I just—yeah, I do."

"You just what, baby?" He pulls me into his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck.

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