42. Grayson

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When we pull up to Emery's house, she sighs dramatically.

"Ready to get a four-hour lecture?" She asks, walking to the front door.

"So ready," I sigh.

Emery opens the door and Devyn comes walking over to us.

"Is it seriously so hard to answer your goddamn phone?" Devyn demands.

"Just chill, Devyn," Emery rolls her eyes and tries to walk around him, but he puts his arm out, stopping her. "What the fuck? Let me go. I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Don't 'just chill, Devyn,' me," he scowls, completely ignoring her. "And what the hell happened to your eye? Why is it bruised?"

"It doesn't matter, Devyn. Just drop it," she shouts.

"No, I'm not a dog. I'm not dropping anything," he says, clearly annoyed now.

"Oh my God, you're so funny," she says sarcastically.

"I'm not trying to be funny. I'm being fucking serious. I don't understand why you think I'm just going to forget about this. You don't get into fights. You're the over-emotional one. Well, sometimes. But you cuss people out. You don't fight. We all know that. You—"

"Damnit, Devyn, just leave me alone," she shoves past Devyn and I try to follow her.

"Absolutely not," Devyn says, stopping me. "You're going to tell me what happened to her."

"No, I'm not," I snap.

"You know what, maybe I was wrong," he shakes his head. "Maybe you aren't good for her."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I snarl.

"It means she can do better than you," he says, and I can tell he's pissed. "You clearly can't take care of her if she managed to bruise her whole goddamn face."

"I can take care of her just fine," I growl.

"Clearly, you can't," he hisses. "She got into a fight?"

How the fuck does he know that?

"I know my sister well enough to know that she isn't clumsy enough to do that on her own," he laughs darkly. "So unless you're telling me that you did that to her—"

"Do you seriously think I would fucking hit her?" I snarl. "You're an asshole. I wouldn't put my hands on her like that. Ever."

"I don't know what to think," he says exasperated. "Who did she get into a fight with then?"

"Debbie," I whisper, knowing that he's not going to let me go unless I answer his questions.

"So what? You just sat there and watched? Cheered her on?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"Don't be a bitch. You know I wouldn't have just let her do something like that," I growl. "I don't want to watch her hurt herself."

"I don't fucking understand why you weren't watching her," he snaps.

"Stop talking like she needs a babysitter," I hiss. "She's perfectly capable of making her own decisions."

"Clearly she's not. And you're an idiot for thinking that she is," he glares at me.

"God, what is your fucking problem? Did Leia break up with you? Is that why you're all pissed off?" I fume.

"Me and Leia are fine," he practically shouts. "But you know what? I'm tired of this shit."

"What the hell are you talking about? What shit?" I demand.

"Do you remember that first fight she got into? A while ago?" He goes back to glaring at me.

"Of course, I remember. But that's not what you're talking about, I had nothing to do with—"

"Do you know why she got into that first fight?" He cuts me off.

"Yeah. You said she had been jealous of Jack's girlfriend at the time," I narrow my eyes at him. I swear he's just trying to piss me off now.

"Yeah, no. I lied," he snorts. "She did it for you."

"What?" I blink at him.

"That girl had been talking shit about you. Emery said it was her job to shit-talk you. She said you were hers to bully," Devyn says. "The only two times she's ever gotten into a fight was because of you. Meaning, you're a bad influence on her."


"I want you to break up with her," he says, still trying to control his anger.

"Absolutely not," I snap.

"Absolutely yes," he growls. "You're a bad influence on her. She deserves better."

"No," I whisper, my voice shaking with anger.

"I didn't want to do this," he lowers his voice. "But I'm sick of this. She can't keep pulling shit like this. So pick. Me or her."

"No, you can't do that," I swallow hard. "That's not fair."

"Life isn't fucking fair Grayson," he snaps. "But I'm not going to support my sister being with someone who influences her to beat the shit out of people. Emery is my sister. I want what's best for her."

"Please, stop," I beg, feeling my hands start trembling.

"No, you stop, Grayson. I'm not—"

"Devyn, what the fuck is your problem?" Aria hisses at him, walking up and standing in front of him. "You're scaring the shit out of Emery."

"Can she hear us?" My voice breaks.

"No. She just knows you guys are fighting," Aria glares back and forth between us. "I don't care what's going on between you two but shut the fuck up. Emery doesn't need to hear this."

She turns and walks into Emery's room.

"I'm not changing my mind," Devyn mutters after a second.

I look at him pleadingly, but he just shakes his head.

"I'm serious, Grayson. She deserves everything. You need to see that," he walks into his room.

I run my shaking fingers through my hair. He can't do this to me. Not now, right before we're supposed to leave for a week.

I open the door and run to my car. I start driving around, not even sure where I'm going.

How the hell does he expect me to choose between the two of them? Emery is the only girl I've ever loved. I don't know if I'll ever feel that for anyone else. And Devyn has been my best friend for pretty much my whole life. It's fucking impossible.

I hear my phone buzzing, but I just ignore it. I can't deal with anyone else right now.

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