48. Grayson

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I follow Emery around. She's swimming around the pool like a goddamn fish as I try my best not to laugh. She's so fucking adorable.

"Gray," she calls and swims back over to me. She wraps her legs around my waist and grins.

"Hi, baby," I smile, kissing her forehead.

"I don't want to play this game anymore," she shakes her head.

"What do you want to play then, baby?" I wipe the hair out of her face.

"I don't—"

"Grayson," Devyn calls. We both turn to look and he waves me over.

"I'll be back, okay?" I kiss her nose and she nods.

"Hm?" I ask Devyn when I get closer to him.

"Were you guys planning on going back to the house after this?" He asks. "We were planning on ordering pizza but we need to know how much to order."

"Yeah, I think we are," I murmur. I turn to look for Emery but can't find her. "Where the hell did she go?"

Devyn turns to look for her and when I hear him laughing, I turn to where he's looking. Emery is doing flips in the water with a couple of little kids.

"Emmy," I shake my head, laughing quietly.

"Okay. I'll let you go get your girlfriend," Devyn nods and I swim over to Emery. I sneak up behind her and lift her out of the water and onto my shoulders.

"Oh hi—"

I throw her legs up and over my shoulders and she lands in the water. She comes up gasping and laughing.

Two little girls grab onto my arms and start yelling.

"I want a turn," one of them shrieks.

"No, do me," the other one screeches.

Emery watches, giggling to herself.

I put the first kid on my shoulders before launching her off and she comes right back, telling me to do it again.

Maybe I shouldn't have thrown Emery.

I do it a couple more times before they swim off.

I take a deep breath and Emery wraps her arms around my waist.

"I think they have a crush on you," she giggles.

"They're like seven," I shake my head. "They do not have a crush on me."

"Um, excuse you, but they're actually eleven," she narrows her eyes.

"Right. Of course," I nod, kissing her nose.

"I fucking love your hair wet," she smiles. I shake my head like a dog and she squeals, shielding her face.

"Gray, I'm hungry," she looks up at me and her eyes widen.

"I figured you would be," I put her on my shoulders again and start walking to the stairs. "I got you some extra food when we were at Five Guys."

"You did?" She grabs at my hair.

"Yep," I leave her on my shoulders as I walk to the table our stuff is at. I sit her down in one of the lounge chairs and grab the bag of food. She uses one of the towels to dry her hands before she starts eating.

I lay down between her legs, my head resting on her chest. She uses my back as a table and stuffs a fry into her mouth.

"Open," she grins.

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