The Impossible Astronaut (Part 1)

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A/N - Guys, we all know what happens in this episode in the show, so look after yourselves. There are some references to wanting to die, as Haylen comes to terms with his mate's 'death.' Just a warning.

Once they'd successfully managed a trip somewhere else, Amy had decided that Haylen would be fine, or so it seemed to him. She'd gone back to her habit of bursting into any room that he and the Doctor were alone in. It wasn't as if he wanted her to leave them alone for anything specific, but a little privacy went a long way, especially when you didn't get any.

The only real reprieve was when she and Rory had to sleep. Neither he nor the Doctor needed anywhere near as much, which meant that for a few hours each day (approximately) they could be alone together. Or, they had been able to, until she'd roped Rory into it, making him sleep when she wasn't so that there was always someone with them.

Really, he thought with more than a little exasperation, what exactly did she expect him to do? Just jump into bed with the man the second they were left alone together? Had she ever met him? It wasn't exactly like he'd ever given her the impression that all he needed was a little time and seclusion, and he'd fall into bed with anyone.

Haylen was prepared to forgive Rory for his part in it, since he'd seemed equally exasperated and more embarrassed than either of the other men. But mostly, it was because he'd been more concerned with making sure that Haylen was really alright than that he wasn't sleeping with his mate.

Once they'd finally been left alone, they hadn't really known what to do. It had been his suggestion that they visit some of Earth's more prominent history, but getting caught and imprisoned in the Tower of London had not been what he'd had in mind. Nor had posing nearly naked for an artist, no matter how much the Doctor had apparently wanted to.

His mate was a strange man.

He'd stood back and watched him talk his way into not being thrown off the set of a movie that he knew was one of Rory's favourites, but letting himself get caught in World War Two had been the line. It wasn't like he could go with him, what with the very obvious wings growing out of his back, and neither could Shadow. He didn't want to find out what the Germans might do to either one of them if they got caught. So he'd given the other man a frosty look and disappeared with a huff, one of his wings smacking him 'accidentally' in the face as he did.

He reappeared in River's cell with all of a thought, feeling both smug and irritated. It was a very strange mix of emotions, but River clearly understood it. One look at his face was all she needed before she was sharing a look with Shadow.

'What's he done this time?' She asked, turning to give Haylen an exasperated look that did little to hide the twinkle of enjoyment in her eyes.

'He went and got himself caught by the Germans in World War Two,' he answered, not bothering to censor his obvious irritation.

'Mhmm,' she agreed, a smile of her own on her face, 'and what did you do to him?'

He blinked, trying to pull an innocent look onto his face and failing miserably. 'What do you mean?'

'I don't think so, Sweetie,' she replied, laughter in her words even if she hadn't let it loose yet. 'I've known you for a long time. You did something.'

'I might've lost control of one of my wings when I tried to leave,' he said, aiming for dispassionate and missing entirely. He was just a little too smug at the moment to manage that tone.

River laughed, her head falling back as the joy burst out of her. Haylen grinned in response. He liked seeing his friend so free. It didn't matter that she was behind bars, she hadn't ever lost her free spirit.

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