Chapter eight

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Sara's pov
I woke up and the sun shinned straight through my window. It was such a calm and peaceful sight but once I came back to reality and the flashbacks of last night came my whole mood changed. My mother came into my room wearing a sun dress.

"Honey, are you okay? It's late afternoon and you have been sleeping all day," she said as she put her hand to my head.

"You seem pretty warm. Do you feel okay?" She asked in a sweet tone.

I nodded.

"Well, I asked Liza about that Nadia girl and turns out her last name is Green and she is adopted. Liza said that as soon as she saw that girl that she was trouble. Nadia has a lot going on she has a bunch of siblings and a horrible past. Her biological parents were drug addicts and they committed suicide," said my mother.

Poor Nadia. She had a tough childhood.

"Wait, what did you say her last name was?" I asked.

"Her last name was Green, the color. Cool right?" My mother said.

I nodded.

"well, I'm going to make some chicken noodle soup and I'll bring it up here when I'm done just rest. And I made extra sure Jimmy wouldn't bother you," said my mother as she kissed my forehead and then left my room.

It was weird because I remember talking to Nicole and her telling me that her last name was Grayson. If her real last name was Green then why would she lie and say it was Grayson?
I tip-toed over to Jimmy's room.

He had his friend Chuck over. Chuck had on big glasses and wore overalls. I felt bad for the kid because he is judged because of his outward appearance and not because of his personality.

"Hey, looks like you have the perfect friend over," I said while grinning.

" This is the second time you have came into my room in less than 24 hrs. The world must be ending. what do you want with my peasant?" Asked Jimmy.

"Hey! I am not you're peasant!" Chuck said as he nudged Jimmy.

"You are so you don't speak back to the king," said Jimmy.

"Jimmy shut up. Anyway, I need you Chuck to find as much info that you can on a girl named Nadia Green," I said.

"Sure that will be 50 bucks," he said while putting out his hand.

Greedy much?

"Hey, no discount?! I am broke here!" I said while emptying my empty pockets.

"Fine. It's free," he said.

"Yes!" I said while jumping up and down.

"If, you go on a date with me," he said.

I frowned. I should have known it was always going to be a condition. I just cringed thinking of us even going on a date.

"You know what. Fine," I said.

I stormed out of Jimmy's room and something hit me.
Henry kissed me one last time and then said," no one went looking for you. You want to know why? Because you don't matter. Guess who wanted me to do this in the first place? You're own friend. Nadia. "

He Adjusted his belt and pulled up his pants and then Left me in the cold.

*flashback end*
Tears streamed down my face and I ran in my room and closed the door.

Nicole's pov

I just want to punch a freaking wall. I don't understand why Sara's mom would call my mom cursing saying that we left her at the party! We didn't even invite her in the party to leave her in the first place. I think Nadia is right. I think it's time to move on and end my friendship with Sara. I mean first she starts to call me a slut and then this! That is my last draw.

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