Chapter seven

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Sara's pov

I walked into this kind of big house. There were a bunch of people there and they all were looking at me weirdly.

"No, I am not goth. I am just different. Do you have a problem?" I wanted to scream so bad but I didn't because I didn't want to bring attention to myself . I have to focus on finding Nicole.

There was a pool area and a bunch of people were crowding around the pool and laughing at someone or something. I couldn't make out what they were looking at until Nicole got out of the pool and yelled at Nadia. What? Did Nadia push her in the pool or something? Nadia winked at this guy and he helped Nicole out of the pool. That's enough.

I quickly walked over to the pool area and Nadia and Nicole looked at me with big eyes. Did I look that bad? Sheesh.

Nadia's pov

What is she doing here? I thought Miss.Antisocial didn't like parties. Everytime I try to hang out with Nicole she always tries to ruin our plans. She doesn't want us to be friends because she wants Nicole to herself. I looked at her black dress. Lame but it does represent her soul. I hope karma comes and bites her right in the behind for trying to sabotage my plans. How dare she come here and ruin my time with Nicole?

What am I going to do with her? Oh. I just got an epiphany.

"Hey," she said while smiling.

"Hello, beautiful dress. So happy you came. Nicole why don't you just dry off while I have a couple of words with Sara," I said.

Nicole looked at both of us and then left with Chad.

"Look, I know what you are doing to my best friend and I don't like it one bit," she said in a stern voice.

I hated her talking to me that way. She isn't my mother. She isn't anything to me.

"There must be a misunderstanding. I'm sorry about you're agruemnt with Nicole earlier today. I really hope I had nothing to do with that. Look, I invited Nicole to this party so she could relax and cool down from what happened earlier today. I didn't invite you because I thought it would just cause more arguing," I said in a sweet tone.

"I don't care. You can save all of that crap for another time. Next time, I want to hear from Nicole about the argument, not you. You don't decide if she wants to see me or not," she said while crossing her arms.

"Sara, I didn't make the decison. No offense, but Nicole told me after school that she was tired of you keeping her to yourself and she was going to stop being friends with you. I was the one to tell her to think about it. If anything you should be mad at Nicole not me," I said while putting my hands up .

I should win a grammy.

"I'm so sorry. Nadia, it's just that I'm so stressed. Nicole isn't acting like herself and she is the only person I have that I can know that I trust her. Please forgive me."

"You shouldn't be asking for my forgiveness you should be asking for Nicole's. She seems pretty hurt about what you said."

"Oh yeah. I'll talk to her about it right now."

"I don't think that's the best."

"Why not?"

"Because she is still mad about what happened and needs sometime to cool off. How about we wait until she gets back. Deal?"


"Hey, you see that hottie over there?" I said while pointing to Henry.

I guess reading her diary sure does come in handy.

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