Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello! Another mini fic series that was going to be a one-shot but I decided it was going to be longer then I had originally intended, so instead it's a mini series! I hope you enjoy as this was really fun to write!

A/N: swearing, mentions of medication, IED disorder & violence ! Please read with caution

Liam was 17, he lived with his step dad and his mother. He had always felt alone, except for Mason. He loved Mason, he was his best friend and well his only friend. Liam didn't mind though, Mason had always been there for him.

After destroying his coaches car, Mason was the only one who wasn't afraid of him. Mason was the only one who truly understood Liam. The only one who didn't judge him during an episode, instead he always tried to comfort Liam.

Finally being diagnosed with IED everything made sense, however that diagnosis came with a whole other list of problems. The first one being his medication, he absolutely hated it.

If it wasn't making him tired it was making him depressed. It felt like he couldn't win, he was either a medicated or un medicated. The school only allowed him to attend if he was medicated, that was the problem. 

Liam didn't want to be medicated, he didn't want to feel the way he felt. He could barley play lacrosse let alone focus in class, he was always fighting the urge to pass out everytime he stood up, and yet everyone else was happier.

His mother was over the moon that he was finally diagnosed and medicated, she was praising him now more then she ever had. His step dad however was skeptical, being a doctor himself he wasn't exactly happy with the medication Liam was put on.

He knew the risks and the side effects it could have and since taking over the fatherly role for Liam, he had become quite protective of him. He didn't want to see the usual chaotic hyperactive puppy dog that was his son, become a shell of who he was.

He didn't want that for Liam, everyone else seemed to be okay with it though... his teachers were more talkative towards him, but maybe that was because of fear. Fear of what he might do to them or their car, Liam wasn't sure.

Unfortunately the bullying had only gotten worse, especially from Brett. Due to the medication Liam wasn't able to focus or play lacrosse as well as he usually would and that led him to miss a few shots during their big game.

Brett's way to retaliate involved practically kidnapping him and taking him out to an abandoned zoo where Brett and his friends, Liam's teammates would throw lacrosse balls at him. The old Liam would have tried to fight them.

But now, he didn't have the energy too. He found himself curling into a ball trying his best to protect himself until they eventually gave up. Leaving Liam in the cage, cold, scared and in pain. Liam eventually called his step dad to get him.

Unable to tell him the whole story he broke down, telling his step dad how much he hated the medication and how much he hated how it made him feel. After hearing that, David was able to book Liam into see the psych again.

Unfortunately for Liam the psych's solution was to up his medication. For two weeks Liam could barely eat or do anything until it eventually settled. He definitely wasn't himself, his energy was gone and he was forced to drop from the lacrosse team.

That broke him to do so, but he couldn't play anymore. He wasn't aloud to go to school unless he was medicated and his mother refused to let him drop out. His education apparently meant more to her then his happiness and it showed.

Everything in his life had gone to shit, that was until new people moved in next door. That house had been empty for years, nobody wanted to live there due to its run down appearance.

Lifting himself out of bed he stared out the window, watching as a woman and man exited their car and walked towards the moving van. A younger boy who appeared to be around Liam's age stepped out of the back of the car.

Liam smiled, it had been a while since he'd seen anyone his age. Considering the past two weeks he could hardly move it was nice to finally see people other then his parents.

The boy wasn't too tall, maybe a little taller then Liam? He had dark brown hair and appeared to be quite relaxed while the woman who seemed to be his mother, ran around frantically. The boy looked up and Liam immediately ducked his head down.

How embarrassing?! Liam wanted to scream, of course he managed to get caught watching like a complete stalker before he even got the chance to meet them. A knock at the door brought him out of his haze, "come in," he groaned.

David opened the door and entered, "hey, good to see you sitting up," David said with a forced smile. A cup in his hand probably full of water. Liam sighed and opened his palm expecting David to place another pill in his hand.

As expected, he did. "I'm sorry," David sighed "I've tried to talk to your mother about this and come to some kind of compromise but nothings working," he admitted. Liam nodded, placing the blue pill in his mouth and taking the cup of water.

With a gulp he managed to swallow the reasonably sized pill. He pulled a face at the taste, "how are you feeling?" David asked.

Liam looked down "tired, sad...the usual..." Liam shrugged taking another sip of the water.

Considering his tired state the past few days he hadn't really eaten or consumed many liquids so now that he was finally at a stage he could sit up he was practically gulping the water down. "I'm sorry Li," David said.

Liam shrugged "it is what it is," he said in a cold mechanic tone.

"I'm going to figure something out, I promise..." David said, giving Liam a quick hug and standing up "I'll bring you some dinner soon okay?" He said. Once Liam nodded he turned and exited the room.

Liam once again turned to the window, the neighbour's were now inside their new home, as was the new boy. Looking around Liam felt a pit of sadness when he realised he was gone, hopefully Liam would be able to see him tomorrow...

A/N: Whooohoooo I always love starting a new fic! I can't wait to dive into this one, I'm expecting it'll have 10 chapters as it is a mini fic!

Published: 7th July 2023
Word count: 1126

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