Chapter 5

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A/N: I am telling y'all now, this is not a happy ending fic! The ending is actually very sad, but if you're NOT new to my page this is expected lol...

A/N: ied, medication, mentions of vomiting & swearing

A few days had passed and Theo hadn't came to visit, Liam didn't think it would effect him not seeing the weird stranger who would crawl through his window. But it did, it effected him more then he liked to admit.

Being trapped in his house, mostly his room. Theo had become his sanity, his light and not seeing him for a few days was starting to upset him, maybe he scared Theo? Maybe Theo truly saw what a mess he was and didn't want anything to do with him?

Liam wasn't sure, all he knew is he was sick of his parents and this fucking medication. A knock at his door brought him from his thoughts, it was his mother. "Hey Li" she chirped, a cup in her hand.

"Where's the pill?" He asked.

She frowned, "you said you didn't want to take it," she said.

Liam rolled his eyes "I know you guys were dissolving it in the drink, I want the pill," he said in a firm tone.

She raised a brow at his tone, "why?" She asked.

Liam sighed, "because, I don't like the taste of the water it's disgusting. I'd rather swallow the pill," he explained.

"Well this one is already dissolved, so just take it and starting tonight you can get back onto the pill," she said.

Three days now, three fucking days he had been drinking the pill. He hated it, it tasted metallic and disgusting. The worst part was, he couldn't hide it. His parents would stand by and make sure he drank every last sip.

It was horrible, he needed to get back onto the pill. He couldn't hide the drink the same way he could hide the pill. "Good boy," she said once he had finished the cup, exiting the room he watched.

Hearing her car he knew she had gone to work, he felt like shit. He hated his medication, skipping it and taking it was fucking with his head. He would get a bolt of energy only it to be masked with tiredness.

He felt awake but his body felt weak. It was a continuous internal battle, one he had to face alone. Sure, Mason texted and called him to check on him but his parents were allowing visitors in case he 'hurt them' he thought it was a joke.

Mason knew he would never get hurt by Liam, he was his best friend. Liam was protective over Mason, he would never lay a hand on him. But his mother insisted he was not aloud any visitors or friends, per his punishment for destroying the car...

It wasn't fair, he didn't mean to do it. He couldn't control his anger or his urges, he knew it was the wrong thing to do but he was only acting on anger. It wasn't him, it didn't make him a bad person. He wasn't a bad person, right?

A knock at the window had Liam jumping out of bed, a big smile appeared on his face when he saw Theo standing at the bottom with pebbles in his hand. Liam let out a soft laugh, "did you throw a rock at my window?" He asked.

Theo nodded with a big dopey grin on his face, ushering for Liam to move back, so he did. Within moments Theo was crawling through his window, Liam laughing as he fell through.

"Where were you..?" Liam couldn't help but ask, his big blue eyes saddened.

Theo looked down, "I'm sorry I had some things to deal with, but I'm here now," he said. Taking Liam's hand he led them to his bed, "how are you feeling?" Theo asked.

Their eyes locked on each other as Theo's hand cupped his face. "Not good," Liam admitted, Theo's finger cupped his chin.

"I'm sorry darling," Theo said, Liam's sad blue eyes were enough for Theo to bring him in. Wrapping his arms around him he allowed him to cry.

"I hate feeling like this" Liam sobbed.

Theo nodded, "did you take it?" Theo asked, Liam nodded.

"They dissolved it in a drink, I didn't have a choice..." he cried.

Theo raised a brow "how long ago?" Theo asked, making Liam look down.

"Maybe half an hour?" He said confused. Theo nodded, standing up and opening the bathroom door.

"The toilet," Theo said making Liam even more confused. Theo sighed, dropping to his knees in front of the scared boy "if you throw it up, it won't work. There are always ways around it darling," Theo said, his hand rubbing circles on Liam's thigh. Liam had never done anything like this before, it scared him.

"I don't know if I should do that.." Liam said, Theo frowned and stood up.

"I'm here to help you." he said. Taking Liam's hand and guiding him to the bathroom. "I can't stay if you're medicated, that's not the you I want."

This felt off, something about it was wrong and Liam knew that. But he also knew he couldn't lose Theo. The pretty boy next door who has become his only sanity, his light and his happiness. "I'll do it," Liam said before turning to Theo "for you."

Theo smiled, placing a kiss on Liam's cheek, "I'll wait here," he said taking a seat on Liam's bed. Liam nodded, although his body and mind were running with anxiety. He was more scared of Theo leaving him then of vomiting.

If he did this and Theo disappeared it would all be for nothing, biting his lip he stared at the toilet. He could do this, pushing on his stomach it didn't take long before he was throwing up. Considering he hasn't eaten it was only liquid, a faint blue colour could be seen throughout it.

Stepping back he rinsed his mouth in the sink to get rid of the taste of the pill and bile coming up and wiped his mouth. Flushing the toilet he anxiously walked back into the room, immediately relieved to see Theo still sitting there.

"My parents are working the night shift tonight, can you stay with me?" Liam asked, his big blue eyes pleading with Theo's deep green ones. The older boy nodded, taking Liam in his lap he held him. "They'll come back to give me my pill and then they'll leave," Liam said.

Theo nodded, his chin resting on Liam's head. "We'll hide the pill, and it'll be just us," Theo said. Liam nodded, clutching onto Theo's shirt. He felt safe in his arms, despite encouraging him to throw up he knew he was helping him.

Helping him escape this madness, escape the medication and escape his messy life. Theo was his saviour and his reason. He couldn't lose him, in such a short time he had become so much more then a stranger or the boy next door...

A/N: Lol I am really starting to realise how dark my stories are, that's funny. At least my one shots have been reasonably fluffy to break up the chaos of my actual stories...

Published: 17th July 2023
Word count: 1205

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