Chapter 9

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A/N: Yewwwww new chapter! Enjoy muhaha

A/N: ied, medication, swearing, self inflicted injury & violence.

Liam stood back, "Liam, I won't ask you again. Go back to bed," the boy shook his head, clutching the duffel bag desperately.

"No!" He yelled, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"I will call them-" she threatened, phone in hand as she swiped through her contacts until she found their number.

"No!" He screamed. The tears were falling at this point.

He turned to Theo who met his gaze, "let's go," Theo said.

"You're not leaving!" Jenna snapped, making the decision to grab her sons arm.

Not the smartest decision, "don't touch me!" Liam yelled ripping his arm from her grasp.

Jenna's eyes widened, "do not disrespect me! I am your mother, do as your told!" She hissed. Grabbing the duffle bag the pair began to tug at it back and forth like rope. Every so often she would get the upper hand only for Liam to find some pent up strength and rip it back.

"You got this, you're stronger than you think," Theo whispered in his ear. His hand ghosting over Liam's giving him the extra push he needed. With a finale pull he managed to grab his bag back.

Falling onto the ground from the tug he let out a huff. Jenna stood over him, "give me the bag," she said in a firm tone, his scared blue eyes met hers before turning back to Theo.

Theo was now sitting on the edge of the window, "let's go, come on-" he said ushering for Liam to follow him. Liam's eyes darted between the boy he loved and his mothers.

Hastily jumping to his feet he attempted to make a run for the window only for Jenna to grab him by the waist. He let out a frustrated scream "let go of me!" He cried, Jenna pushed him against the bed.

"This is why you need your medication! I don't know what's going on with you Liam!" She screamed. Truthfully this was killing her, the boy she raised that was so full of aspirations and happiness had become a shell of who he once was.

His anger and disorder had consumed him...

Liam used his elbow to nudge her, sending her backwards. He quickly crawled over to the other side of the bed, "fuck off!" He yelled "I hate you! You ruined my life!"

Jenna shook her head, "I'm trying to help you!" She yelled back. Darting to the side to stop him from running out the door, that was when she caught side of the ziplock bag on his nightstand.

Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open. "Liam," she said firmly, the boy whipped his head around to see where her eyes had darted... he froze. Fuck

He had been caught, now she really could call eichen house. Fuck she could call the police if she wanted to, he was court ordered to take them. The court had deemed being unmedicated was not only a risk to others but to himself.

This scene was a clear indication of that...

"No!" He yelled jumping over his bed and grabbing the baggie, "it's not- it's not that! No, it's-" Liam fumbled for words, desperately trying to cover up what was in the bag.

"Tell her it's gum," Theo whispered from behind him.

"It's gum!" Liam yelled making scoff.

"Gum? You don't eat gum," she said crossing her arms "I'm calling them," she finalised. Before she had the chance to swipe through her phone Liam had smacked it out of her hands.

"I'm not going there! You can't do this to me!" He screamed. That was when David had entered the scene, a horrified look on his face when he realised what was happening.

"Liam.." he said cautiously.

With every step David took, Liam took one back. With a gulp he gripped his bag tighter and shook his head "it's not, I'm not crazy! You're all crazy! Theo gets me!" Liam let out a short laugh "he understands me! He- he loves me. You don't!" He yelled.

Tears streaming down his face as he choked out the words "you don't love me! You hate me! I'm just a fucking burden to you, I know I am!" Liam snapped, walking backwards until he reached his joint bathroom.

Realising there was a window inside it he looked to Theo, "go! I'll meet you outside" Liam said before slamming his door shut, locking it and leaning against it.

"Liam! Open the door!" David said.

"Fuck off!" Liam yelled, looking at himself in the mirror he caught a glimpse of himself, of who he had become. His once full face had become dull and lifeless, his skin was pale and his hair was a mess.

"Liam!" His mother cried, banging on the door and twisting at the handle. Giving his reflection another glance he closed his eyes and clenched his fist, unfortunately this window didn't slide open like the one in his bedroom.

Fortunately, Liam wasn't afraid to break his hand. The risk didn't scare him and neither did the blood, with his anger the way it was he knew he could break through the thin glass. Nothing and nobody could stop him. 

He had to get to Theo.

Taking a deep breath he eyed his fist, looking up at the window before throwing the first punch. The sound immediately echoed in his head, as did the pain radiating through his hand.

He didn't stop, in fact the pain only made him angrier. Throwing punch after punch until he heard the first crack, a small one. His parents were now kicking and yelling on the other side of the door, he didn't care.

Eventually the window shattered, glass flying through the bathroom and landing in the bathtub. His knuckles bruised and bloody he ignored it, the pain was throbbing but it didn't bother him.

He had to get to Theo.

A shard of glass cutting through his hand as he pulled himself up. Wincing at the pain he remained unbothered, it was almost as if the pain was fuelling him. Adding to his anger and his strength as he finally sat on the edge of the window.

His small frame fit perfectly through it, just as he was about to jump down his step dad bursted through the door. Not hesitating to run for Liam, the boy jumped, "Liam!" Theo yelled.

He had to get to Theo...

A/N: Oops? I told you this wouldn't be a happy ending story lol

Published: 27th July 2023
Word count: 1085

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