Chapter 8

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A/N: Heyo! I am tired and hungry but instead of sleeping or eating I wrote this, rip

A/N: medication, ied & swearing

Jenna let out a frustrated huff, placing the blue pill on Liam's bedside table "Liam, take the pill," she said in a firm tone. When Liam didn't respond she slammed her hand on the table "Liam!"

Liam's blue eyes looked up at her, "I don't want it!" he cried out.

She pulled out her phone in retaliation "so eichen house then?" She asked, pulling up their number and flashing it to him.

"No!" He yelled, sitting himself up with the little energy that he had.

"Do not, yell at me!" She snapped back, pointing her finger at him "I am your mother and you will not disrespect me like that-" she hissed.

Liam grabbed the pill and threw it across the room, "fuck off!" He yelled. His anger rising to the surface as he clenched his fists.

"This! This is exactly why you need to be medicated Liam, this is absolutely ridiculous!" She yelled.

Turning and grabbing the pill from the floor, "last chance or so help me god Liam, I will call them," she threatened, placing the blue pill on his nightstand. He eyed it cautiously, yes he could spit it out and hide it.

But he didn't want them, he didn't want to take them. Regardless if they stayed in his body or not he was over it, he missed his old life. This wasn't living, this wasn't a life "I hate you!" He cried.

That was when David knocked on the door, Jenna's head whipped around to see him. "You deal with him, I'm done!" she spat, walking past him and exiting his room. David was taken back, walking towards Liam he knew he was upset.

"Hey, what's going on?" David asked, crouching beside Liam's bed in an approachable manner.

Liam sniffled in response, "I don't want to do this anymore," Liam said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

David nodded, his hand gripping Liam's "I'm sorry, I am trying my hardest to get everything sorted out. I want nothing more than for you to feel like yourself," David said in a soothing tone.

The same soothing tone his mother once used with him, but that was before the incident. Before she deemed him a danger to himself and everyone around him, before she treated him like a problem...

Like a monster

David side glanced at the pill, placing it in Liam's hand and standing up. "I have to go back to work but I trust you to take it, okay?" David said. He always trusted Liam, he always gave him the choice.

At least as much choice as he could given Liam was being court ordered to take this medication. Liam nodded, this was his chance. "I will.." he said looking down. David gave him a nod before exiting his room, immediately he could hear him and his mother arguing.

It was ironic really, David cared a lot more about Liam than his mother did. His own mother didn't give a shit about him anymore, he was a problem. She used to cherish him and now, now he was just another burden to her.

David however had treated him like a son from the first day he met him, teaching him how to play lacrosse and making him dinner. He even helped him with his homework from time to time, only problem was David worked.

A lot, like a ridiculous amount, I guess that's what happens when you're a doctor. Especially one that works in a hospital, he gets called in a lot more times than Liam would like. He definitely had grown quite fond of David during their years spent together.

With both his parents out of the house Liam was able to finally breath, feeling his pent up rage and exhaustion leave his body. He got out of bed and used whatever strength left he had to lift his mattress.

Pulling out the ziplock bag he slipped the pill inside of it. He left the baggie on his nightstand, a soft voice had him looking to the window. Theo was standing at the bottom of his window, Liam smiled "come up," he said.

Theo didn't waste anytime climbing up to Liam's window, Liam helped him inside and immediately noticed Theo's worried green eyes. "What's wrong?" Liam asked.

Theo began to pace "I can't-" he said.

Liam frowned, "talk to me, Theo.. what's wrong?" He asked again, his voice wavering. He had never seen Theo like this before, so distraught? His brain appeared to be scattered, "Theo?"

Theo snapped to face him, "I can't lose you, I won't.. I have to leave," Theo said frantically.

Liam shook his head, "wait what? What's going on..?" Liam asked, his blue eyes watching Theo's every movement.

"I fucked up baby, I-I have to leave town. My parents would kill me, I have to leave. Tonight," Theo explained, still pacing back and forth Liam grabbed his arms.

"Hey, hey you can't leave," Liam said, his voice was soft but scared. Theo met his gaze and he pulled him in for a kiss, the kiss was fiery. It was as if it was the last time they were able to kiss, it couldn't be. Liam refused to let this be the way their love story ended. "You can't leave me, you-you said you would help me," Liam said.

Theo nodded, running a hand through his hair "pack your bags, come with me. I'll steal my dads truck and we can leave right now," Theo nodded, as if telling himself his plan was a good one.

Liam wasn't a genius but he wasn't stupid either, he knew if he did this he would be at risk. He would not only be homeless but he still didn't know Theo properly. Was he really about to runaway with a stranger?

Eyeing the bag of pills he was brought back to reality, his reality. His never ending cycle of tears, anger, medication, therapy and fighting. He was over it... maybe leaving with Theo would have it's perks? Maybe he could start fresh?

"I'll go anywhere with you," Liam said, clutching Theo's shirt.

His blue eyes almost glowing, "grab what you need, we can steal anything else," Theo said. Liam nodded before grabbing his duffel bag he would use for his lacrosse gear.

Shoving whatever clothes he could find inside of it his head began to ring. Feeling his senses heightened as he continued shoving stuff into his bag. "What are you doing?" His mothers voice yelled.

Liam's head whipped up and his face met hers with terrified eyes. He quickly turned to Theo who said nothing, he was also frozen. "I'm leaving," Liam said holding his ground, she shook her head and walked forward.

"If you leave I will call eichen house Liam, do not test me," she threatened, phone in hand. Liam turned to Theo.

"Come with me, I'll protect you," Theo said, his voice husky and strong.

"I'm leaving," Liam said crossing his arms. Jenna shook her head, grabbing the duffle from his hands the pair began to fight over it, Liam not giving in and his mother not giving up.

A/N: Oooo a longer chapter as we near the end of this fic!

Published: 25th July 2023
Word count: 1223

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