" crush "

482 17 22

The next morning..

Niki woke up with a severe headache none the less he got up went to the bathroom brushed his teeth got ready and yet again he was Infront of that mirror the mirror where he perfected his fake smile his fake persona just so people would like him..but he soon was interrupted from this checking by a certain boy..

Niki thought to himself " Jake..said to meet him in the bathroom at lunch today I wonder what he wants.."
Niki shrugged and went downstairs...

Unlike before Niki didn't spare a look at his mother or anything in the living room he just ran to the front door and walked out not wanting the thoughts to come back again.. he wanted peace just for sometime..so he got his airpods out from his bag and played "lonely boy" by txt not for any serious reason he just loved the song..( same Niki same )...

Soon after he finally made it to the buss stop music still playing in his airpods not being able to hear his name being called suddenly Niki felt someone tap his shoulder this surely stopped him from walking he took one of his airpods off and turned around..and the biggest smile appeared on his face when he saw..

Yeji..she was panting while holding onto Niki's shoulder the boy tried his hardest to hold in his laugh but unfortunately he couldn't he burst out laughing...

Yeji death glared at Niki and said

Yeji " u brat don't laugh could u not hear me screaming my lungs out for u stop "

Niki took some breaths to calm himself down from laughing and then replied ..

Niki " ah sorry sorry yeji I had airpods in so I couldn't heart shit" he said giggling...

Yeji gave niki another death glare and then spoke

Yeji " u brat stop laughing and come on were gonna miss the buss " yeji said pulling Niki from his arm and dragging him to the buss..

Niki thought she knows I can walk by myself right?..

Time skip

Niki found himself dozing off in his History class beacause for gods sake who wouldn't this class was just too boring...

Niki thought " god when will this bell ring I'm tired of this "

And seems like the universe heard Niki's complain cause as soon as he said that the bell rang..

Niki got out of that class as fast as he could as he was walking towards the cafeteria he suddenly got pulled yet again into the bathroom..and pinned against the wall..

Niki opened his eyes to see..
...Jake Niki thought "ofc this guy again"

Niki " uh hi Jake hyung "

Jake " hey cutie " Jake said smirking..

Jake unpinned Niki from the wall..

Niki " so what do u want? "

Jake " u " Jake said mischievously

Niki would usually cringed at this he would actually puke his life out but since Jake said it..

Niki blushed..

Niki " u dumbass " Niki said punching Jakes arm..

Jake " owwweww what was that for "

Niki " u deserve it "

Jake " alright alright but for real this time I was wondering if u wanted to hangout with me..after school..? We can go to the cafe but if u don't like cafes we can go on a walk and talk and if ur busy I totally-"

Niki "sure " Niki said cutting off Jake..

Jake " wait really?"
Jake said with wide eyes..

Niki " yes Jake hyung yes I'll hangout with u after school u dumbo"

Niki said laughing at Jakes face..

Jake smiled and adored Niki's laugh to Jake Niki looked like the most beautiful being in this world..

Niki " helloo earth to Jake hyung "
Niki said waving his hand Infront of Jake..

Jake " huh what? "

Niki smiled and said " gosh ur so cute"
Niki flushed he actually said that aloud fuck..

Jake turned into a tomato when he heard Niki call him cute..

Niki " I'll see u after school and what I said forget it "

Niki said rushing out of the bathroom.. blushing hard as hell..

Jake smiled and thought " gosh I just met him and he's already making me go crazy.." Jake laughed and shrugged and exited the bathroom too...


Niki was currently sitting at the cafeteria table with yeji ranting to her about how he has developed a crush on this guy's named Jake..


Niki " um yeah.."

Yeji " HOLY. The school most quiet and dangerous boy asked my bestie out holy shit "

Niki " dangerous? "

Yeji " well I mean not dangerous he's just quiet and basically death glares at everyone but he's never hurt anyone.."

Niki " ohh....so as I was saying-"

Before Niki could continue talking and ranting about his crush on Jake the bell rang..


Niki saw yeji run out and laughed bcz she slipped..yeji looked back and sent another death glare at Niki.. earning another wheeze from Niki..



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