" the date part 2 "

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As expected the rain got heavier and Jake felt Niki body shivering in his hold..

Jake : " love r u cold "

Jake said bringing his head up from Niki's neck and looking at Niki with worried eyes..

Niki : " yea.. "

Niki said quivering..

Jake immediately let go off Niki and took his jacket off wrapping it around Niki and holding his shoulders as they walked to Jakes car ..

Jake  was holding niki as close as he could so that the younger wouldn't feel cold..

Finally they reached Jakes car..
Jake first settled Niki in the passenger seat and then made his way to the driving seat..as Jake settled in..and turned the cars heater on..

It was quiet Jake looking at the younger from time to time..

Niki : " r u gonna keep staring or start the car dumbass.." Niki said blushing

Jake chuckled at him..and soon started the car..

Jake : " so..how was the kiss.."
Jake said teasing the younger..

Niki : " oh shut up.."

Jake : " come on tell me how was it princess "

Jake said keeping his eyes on the road..

Niki : " it was good ig.."
Niki said flustered..

Jake smirked..and said..

Jake : " I'm glad baby.."

Niki looked at the window blushing...if the damit jacket with Jakes scent wasn't making him feel butterflies in his stomach this made them way worse..

Jake : " so..um I..well..do u..um do u maybe wanna be my boyfriend..u can say no I mean it would hurt but I can get through it I mean we can take it slower..if u wa-"

Niki : " YES. yes I'll be ur boyfriend now shut up and focus on the road u bafoon.."
Niki said laughing..

Jake : " wait really? Like so r we official? "

Niki : " yes u dumbass... obliviously"

Jake smiled at Niki..

Niki was mesmerized as he smiled back..

Time skip ..

The car stopped and Niki was surprised to see it stopped Infront of a mansion..?

Niki : " Jake where r we ? "

Jake :  "well at my house duh princess"

Niki : "huh?!?! Holy shit ! "
Niki said shocked..

Jake chuckled as he got out the car moving towards the other side of the car to open Niki's door..

As Niki got out he was shocked when he felt a pair of soft lips on his..

They kissed for sometime before they pulled away...

Jake : "I wanted to do that the whole drive here.."

Niki : "ur an idiot Istg.."

Jake : "well princess I'm ur idiot.."

Jake said smiling as he took Niki's hand as he lead him to the mansions front door..

They entered the house..

Niki was in awe of the decor it was so beautiful in his eyes..

Niki : " so pretty.."

Suddenly he felt two arms around his waist..

Jake back hugged Niki resting his head on Niki's shoulder looking at the younger lovingly..

Jake : "just like u.. beautiful.."

Niki : "aish shut up I'm cold.."
Niki said pouting..

Jake chuckled at Niki's cuteness..

Jake : "ah alright come with me angel"

Jake took Niki's hand as they both went upstairs..

Jake opened the door to his room as Niki entered..

Jake let go off Niki's hand and went to his closet pulling out a hoodie and some shorts..which he supposed would fit Niki..

Jake tossed the clothes to Niki

Niki catching them as he sent a glare to Jake making Jake chuckle..

Jake : "alright angel u can go shower and I'll go order us some food alright?"

Niki nodded as he went into the bathroom..

Jake showered in another bathroom..before ordering him and Niki some pizza..Jake was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone..
As he heard the bathroom door open he looked up and saw how adorable his lover looked..he was totally mesmerized by Niki..

Niki : "bitch stop staring ur making me flustered.."

Niki said blushing..

Jake laughed..as he got up getting closer to riki..grabbing him by his thighs pulling him up as he pinned Niki to the wall..

Jake : "how can I not when u look this cute angel ? "

Niki blushed..

Jake suddenly kissed Niki making him surprised nonetheless he kissed back but unlike there before kisses this one was more harsh..

Jake bit Niki's bottom lip making Niki whimper allowing Jake to explore his mouth Niki wrapped his hands around Jakes neck as they made out..

But they were harshly disturbed by a ring at the door indicating there pizza was here..



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