Chapter 2

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It's January 8th, 1986 and Remus is now in London. He is rushing to get to class, not to study, but to teach. Even though he is the youngest teacher at that school since he's only 26, he does feel older than most.

He is beloved by students, he doesn't know why, but he has students that spend before school, after school, and sometimes even lunch, inside his classroom.

It's not that he's complaining about it, he's happy that he isn't alone and he feels comforted that the students may feel comfortable with him. He even had students who would rant or vent to him about school or significant others. He would give out solutions or advice, but the students never really do take it and listen to it.

Today he is a tad late, as it is the first day back from winter break, and he had missed his alarm. He began gathering together his clothes and his paperwork and notes on today's lesson, even though he actually has nothing planned. He skipped out on breakfast, but he did grab his morning coffee in the café near his apartment.

"A bit late today aren't we Remus?" Crissy chuckled as she handed him his coffee.

Crissy is a barista in the café, she has been working there for as long as he could remember. She is the only one in the shop that memorized his order, and had also remembers the time he always gets it. Through this, Crissy is able to just have it ready for Remus instead of having him wait for his drink.

"But punctual as ever," Remus chuckled back as he passed her the money and grabs the coffee from her.

When he leaves the café, he has about ten minutes to get to class before the bell rings. So he begins speed walking, he isn't too nervous about missing the bell because the university is only five minutes away from where he is right now.

Once he gets there, with only three minutes left before the bell rings, he sees a couple of students waiting outside his classroom.

"You know, you guys should be talking to your friends instead of waiting around here," Remus laughed as he approached the door, and took out his keys to open it.

"You forget Professer, we have no friends," a student named Tommy said back.

Remus looked at him, "Everyone has friends, you just need to know where to find them,"

He keeps the door open in case other students want to come in, and once he settles down into his seat, the bell rings.

The halls are now filled with students moving around in order to get to their classes. While at the same time, students are entering Remus' classroom. He looks at his students, he sees them having bright smiles as they laugh and talk to each other.

He doesn't remember the last time he did that with his friends.

Once the final bell comes in, he stands up and walks to the front of the room.

"Good morning class,"

"Good morning Professer," the class greeted back.

"I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break, but as we are now back in class, we are gonna need to start things back up," Remus began.

He hears groans around the classroom, and in the corner of his eye he sees a student already sleeping. He doesn't blame the student, getting back to school isn't gonna be easy for anyone, even Remus himself is struggling to keep awake, he's thankful he has his coffee though.

"Now now class, I'm not asking much of you all today-" He cuts himself off as he opens a cabinet that are filled with VHS tapes.

He sees his students all of a sudden have hopeful eyes, they hope that they actually don't have to do anything. Remus then picks up an tape from the cabinet and puts it inside the television that was in the corner of the chalkboard.

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