Chapter 7

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Sure enough, after breakfast, two people show up at the door. It was an old man and woman, two people that Remus recognized. Remus then put two and two together and realized they were the ones whom got him situated in his actual apartment.

"Mr. Lupin, it's nice to see you again," the lady greeted. Remus gave a small wave back as the lady continued. "Do you remember us?"

Remus nodded his head in reply and the lady smiled at him back, she turned her attention to the shorter boy next to him, "Mr. Black, how are you, dear boy?"

"Absolutely splendid Minnie," Sirius answers as he envelopes her into a hug. When they pull apart she places a hand on Sirius' cheek. Sirius looks over at the older man whom was standing still in the entrance of the door and Sirius stands up straighter, "Dumbledore,"

The older nods at Sirius then looks over at Remus who has just been standing there awkwardly. "Mr. Lupin, how have you been?"

"I've been, well," Remus answers warily.

"Now I've been told that you've been somehow retrieving your old memories?"

Remus nodded

"Well then, let's figure out a way to give them back to you,"

Remus and Sirius sit together on the couch with Harry on Sirius' lap, while McGonagall and Dumbledore sat on chairs facing them. Honestly, Remus couldn't help but feel nervous about all of this. If these two people can help him, what will happen when he does retrieve them? How this will all change the moment he remembers everything. Sirius said that he was in the point of his life of when the only way to cope with his loss is to erase all of his memories, so what is he gonna feel like when he remembers why?

"Mr. Lupin, can you please tell us everything that you do remember so far?" Dumbledore asked.

Remus nodded and he explained everything that he did remember, from those specific days at Hogwarts to the happy moments he remembered during the war. He even talked about the few memories he had with Sirius. Every time he mentioned something new about his memories that he remembered from Hogwarts, he felt like he could sense Sirius smiling and remembering about it as well. It was like, even though Remus was just recalling the memories that he was able to remember again, Sirius was feeling the type of nostalgia only felt when remembering the past.

Sirius did feel that certain type of nostalgia as Remus was telling the two others about his past memories. Sirius remembered everything that Remus was talking about too, all of the memories were all happy as well. It was all happy memories that happened before everything went horribly wrong. It was nice to know that Remus was only so far remembering the happy memories, but Sirius couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest. He was glad that Remus only remembered the happy stuff, but then he was thinking about what would happen when Remus would remember all the bad memories.

Sirius only knew what McGonagall told him, that they found Remus alone in their shared apartment without any memories. In full honesty, Sirius broke down when he found out, it put him in so much pain because Remus was in pain. Remus was in so much pain because of him, all to the point of where he needed to erase all of the good and the bad memories they had together from his head. It pained Sirius to know that Remus had gotten to the point of where all the bad memories overtook the good ones. If they were able to get Remus' memories back without hurting him, what would be his reaction be when he sees Sirius after being lied to? It was all scary to Sirius, he was nervous, he wants his Remus back, but this version of Remus seemed so happy before he showed up on his doorstep. Remus seemed so happy, no matter how false his memories were, he seemed happy, that's all Sirius wanted.

After Remus finished explaining the memories he had recalled, Dumbledore had said, "It seems like the only memories that you have been remembering are the ones you spent with your friends. You don't seem to remember anything from your actual family, do you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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