Chapter 6

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Remus has to admit, that this is most likely the stupidest thing he has ever done. He was currently following Sirius through downtown London as he figures out a way to navigate a way through people. Sirius told him that there was a "serious way" to get to their old house.

Obviously Remus doesn't remember anything from his old life, but for some reason, he believes that they are going the completely wrong way, and even if they weren't, this is certainly not the way to magically find their old home.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Remus questions when Sirius drags him and Harry in one way, but then changes their direction.

"Which one of us has our memories again?" Sirius retorted

"Which one of us had been in prison again?" Remus rebutted, and Sirius stopped in his tracks, causing Harry and Remus the get caught off guard.

Sirius looks around and then looks up at Remus and for a second, Remus thinks he crosses a line with what he said until Sirius replied, "Fair point. I remember what it looked like, I just can't remember where it is from here,"

"Well, you said that you went there from when you first got out right?" Remus asks and Sirius nodded, "Okay well, let's just trace you're own steps and see where it leads us,"

"Good idea, problem is, I see things differently when I'm Padfoot, so it may be harder,"

"Just turn into Padfoot then,"

Sirius blinks at Remus, "Of bloody course, I'm fucking stupid, I could've just done that from the beginning, couldn't I?"

Remus laughs, "Yeah, well let's do it now then," Sirius nods, and for the first time, but not technically the first time, Remus sees Sirius turn into Padfoot.

Harry smiles and pats Padfoot on the head and Padfoot in return, licks Harry's face. Padfoot then barked, and started walking away and Remus picks Harry up and followed along. It was pretty clear that right when Sirius turned into Padfoot, that he knew how to get to their house. Padfoot led them through the busy streets of London, and after a good thirty minutes of walking, they turned into a street where there was no one at all. They stop in front of a building that is covered in bricks and windows.

Padfoot turned back into Sirius, and Sirius pulls out his wand once more and waves it around. At the end of it, the building itself, breaks apart in half, and right away, a new part of the building shows up. Sirius smiles at it, as Harry stares in awe at the magic, along with Remus. Once finished, Sirius approaches the door that pops up and takes out a key that was in the inside pocket of his jacket and unlocks it.

When Sirius opens the door and steps inside, Remus follows, still holding Harry, until he put him down. When he put Harry down, Harry begins running around to see what was inside the apartment. The apartment itself was pretty big, but homey. However, Remus feels like it was a lot more cleaner than the last time he was in there.

"Did you clean it up?" Remus asked as he walked around.

"Yeah, it was a mess when I first came back," Sirius answers, and Remus nods in acknowledgment.

The place was absolutely beautiful, he looked over to the table that had a bunch of framed photos on top of it, but these photos were moving as well. There were photos of him and Sirius brightly smiling, while there were photos of him, Sirius, and two other boys, whom Remus recognized as Peter and James. There was a photo of him and a ginger haired girl, who Remus as well recognized as Lily. There was a bunch of other photos with people that he recognized from his dreams; his memories, he saw photos that contained people such as Mary, Marlene, more photos with Peter, James, and Lily. Remus saw a photo that contained a picture of what looked like Sirius and a younger boy that looked like him, Remus assumed it was Regulus, who Sirius mentioned just for a moment. But, Remus picked up specifically a photo that had James and Lily on it, they were both smiling and laughing while holding onto each other.

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