Chapter 4

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He wakes up in a train, he's sitting down looking out the window and watching people say goodbye to each other. He sees a mother and father say goodbye to their children as they happily board onto the train, and Remus feels a pain in his chest. Remus feels like he has been here before, like he's been in this exact position, felt the same emotion he just felt, before, a while ago. He continues looking out at everyone else, until he hears the door to his compartment open. He turns to see a young boy, who looked quite familiar at the entrance.

"Hey sorry, just wanted to know if I can sit with you, everywhere else is full," the boy asked. Remus contemplated it as he would really rather much be left alone but shrugged and saw the boy smile as he sat down in front of Remus after putting his stuff away.

Remus didn't look at him when he sat down, and continued looking out the window. "I'm James. James Potter," Remus looked at the boy and saw that the boy had outstretched his hand.

"I'm Remus Lupin," Remus said but he didn't take James' hand, and James had a disappointed look on his face when he lowered down his hand. Remus was able to now examine the boy in front of him. He had circular glasses and had brown curls. The boy looked very similar to Harry and had many similar facial features to the boy.

All of a sudden another knock occurred and the two boys looked over at the door to see a young boy, this time who had blond hair standing.

"Nobody else will let me sit with them. Can I come in?" the boy asks. Before Remus could answer, James answers for him.

"Of course! I'm James, this is Remus," James gestured to himself, then to Remus, then outstretched his hand out to the boy. The boy took it, as he smiled and say down next to James.

"I'm Peter," the boy shrilled. Remus turned back to look at the window as he began to tune out James and Peter as they begun creating conversation.

Finally, another knock happened and if Remus hears one more knock he is going to jump out of the window instead. This time it's a boy who had raven colored hair that reached down to his shoulders, the boy looked like he was much in a hurry to find a place to settle down.

"Can I please come sit down here, I have no where else to go," the boy asked hurriedly.
Peter and James looked at each other and to Remus' surprise it was himself who said "Why not?"

Peter looked at him in shock, even the boy looked at him in shock but soon began to smile as he sat down next to Remus. "I'm Sirius Black," the boy says.

James smiles and introduces the other three, and Remus once more stares out the window as the train begins to move. The train ride over to the school was way longer than Remus would have liked. James and Sirius were talking the whole way there and occasionally Peter would talk and butt in. Remus however, stayed quiet and silent and drifted away from the other three when they had arrived.

He had followed everyone else, who were apparently called First Years, to boats that lead into the castle. The architecture of the castle is so beautiful even in the dark when there are little lights that are able to brighten it. Once they enter, they meet a woman standing at the top of a staircase, the same woman that Remus had saw for a quick moment before.

"Before we head in, I must inform you to not sit down at any of the tables just yet. You will firstly, be sorted into your houses. There is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin," the woman had stated "Come along now,"

They head inside and see candles floating up in the air, and the roof looked completely gone as it had the night sky above. They stopped in front of a chair that was centered in front of a long table that was filled with what Remus assumed were teachers. The lady from before was standing next to the chair holding up a hat, and had pulled out a piece of scroll and had begun reading out names that were written on it. When she had called up a person to sit on the chair, she placed the hat on their head and after either a couple of seconds or a couple of minutes, the hat would yell out the name of the house that they were sorted into.

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