Chapter 5

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Remus sits across from Sirius who had a confused look on his face. The only noise was the sound and quiet rustling from the couch, and the source was Harry who was sleeping soundly.

Remus asks in a hushed and quiet tone, "I want the truth, Sirius. Who are you really?" Sirius looks even more confused and right before he was about to say something, Remus cuts him off "and I don't want to hear any bullshit from you either. I don't know what is going on, I don't know who you are. But I feel like I should know, I feel like I should know who the fuck you are, but instead of finding out the truth I get more confused. You just appeared in my dreams, along with other people who feel so familiar, and the craziest thing is, all of those dreams, felt so incredibly real,"

Sirius looked at him, nothing was being said, he was just staring. For a moment, Remus remembered back in his dream when there was a feeling of desire when Sirius and him were standing so close to each other. Sirius breaks this thought by saying "That's not possible,"

Remus shakes his head, "What's not possible?"

"It's not possible for you to remember me, or anything really,"

"What are you talking about?"

Sirius sighs, he runs his hand through his hair and stares into Remus' eyes. "You obliviated yourself Moony, no one is able to come back from that. Without some serious brain damage, I think,"

Remus just stares at Sirius, when Remus didn't say anything Sirius carried on. "Look, my name is Sirius Black. You did know me, you do know me, everything has just been really complicated,"

"What do you mean?"

"When I was proven innocent, my first thought was to go to see you and Harry. I expected you to still be at the flat, and for Harry to be with you, but Dumbledore told me that Harry was with the Dursley's and that you moved here with no memories of me or anyone," Sirius takes a deep breath. "So I went to go get Harry back, and I came here to see you, to try and I don't know, bring you back,"

"Bring me back, where?"

"Back to where we lived Remus," Remus blinks at Sirius. "Look all of those dreams, they were all real, they all completely happened, it's all a bit complicated,"

"Then explain it to me, please," Remus started getting annoyed, nothing in this discussion is helping Remus understand anything at all.

Sirius sighs, "What were the dreams that you had?"

Remus thinks for a minute to try and collect together his memory, "It first started off with us being on a train, and I met a boy that looks identical to Harry named James, then I saw a boy called Peter, and then- then I saw you. But you were so young, we were all so young, it was like a memory of the past,"

Remus looks at Sirius, who is just staring at him and is just listening, Remus continues, "We went to this castle, it was huge and incredibly beautiful, it was quite literally something you can only dream of. They said that we had to get sorted into our houses? We all got sorted into gryffin something-,"

"Gryffindor," Sirius corrected.

Remus nods, "Gryffindor, and you started freaking out because of something, and then I blinked and I was somewhere else. I saw a girl named Lily, and then I saw the three of you again but this time we were a bit older, like around fourteen. Then again, I blinked and it was Christmas, and I was with James at, I'm guessing, his parents house, and we were eating dinner until you stumble into the living room, and said you got hurt-,"

Remus stops when he senses Sirius stiffen. Remus looks up at the other boy, and Sirius grows a little bit paler, and Remus realizes that everything that he just said was real. Remus stays silent for a bit until Sirius clears his throat and said "Continue,"

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