Chapter 3

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Remus pours water into a glass cup and hands it to the man. He looks over to the young child, who is now currently sleeping on the couch. He then looks at the clock that says it's 9:30.

Remus sighs as he sits down across from the man "Look, I need to know what the problem is right now because-"

"What do you remember?" Sirius cuts him off.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you remember?" Sirius asks again, this time more sturdier.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Remus counters, as he begins fidgeting with his sweatpant laces.

"I knew that you obliviated yourself Moony, but Dumbledore told me he found you confused. So what do you remember?"

Remus now understands what he's talking about, just a little at least. He had once woken up in an house, it wasn't his own that he currently is sitting in right now. Instead Remus was in a house that was terribly messy and completely destroyed, like someone had just begin ripping everything apart.

Remus had no idea where he was, he doesn't even remember how he got there. All of a sudden, someone had just appeared in front of him. It was an old man, who had a ridiculous hat on. The lady next to him, wearing also something ridiculous as well.

The lady next to the old man just looks at Remus, with such a sad and concerned expression. "Oh Remus," she sighed.

He just looks back at her in confusion. "Who are you?" he asks.

The old man approaches him, and Remus' first instinct is to move away from him, but his back presses further into the couch. The old man presses a stick to his head.

"It is as I feared, he has indeed enacted the obliviation spell on himself," the old man stated as he puts the stick away.

"Dear, what do you know?" the lady asks.

"Uh, I know my name and stuff, I just don't know where I am or how I got here," Remus looks around as he says that.

"Where do you remember you were before?"

"London, in my apartment. I was just getting ready to head to my college," Remus begins panicking. "Where am I? Who are you?"

"We are not here to hurt you dear, just to help you get back home. My name is Minerva, and this is Albus," She gestures to herself, then to the old man next to him. "Are you also aware of- well your condition?"

Remus thinks for a second of what she could be asking about, but then it clicks in his head about it. Remus nods in response.

"Very well," Minerva then grabs the old man and whisper asks "What are we going to do with him?"

"We let him live in the Muggle world," he states back.

"Have you lost your mind? We cannot let a werewolf out into the Muggle world, they will have no idea what to do with him," Minerva says as she glances back at Remus.

"Mr. Lupin, do you know how to contain the animal that is inside you?" the old man asks, Remus looks at him in shock but he nods back.

"I cannot retrieve his memories Minerva, and nor can you. The best thing that we can do for him, is to have him now live his life that he believes he is actually living,"

Minerva doesn't say anything, she just stands there with a look of disbelief. In the end, she nods as she looks back at Remus and hugs him, "Oh my dear boy," she whispers.

Back to the present, he sees Sirius looking at him waiting for his answer. "You need to be more specific," Remus says back.

"You know that you're a werewolf right?" the man asks.

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