Glamorous turns Gloomy {Prinxiety}

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A friend came up with the title

- Angst -

TW: Self Harm


[Narrator's POV]

Roman hadn't been acting like himself recently, but nobody really noticed. Well, besides Virgil. He noticed everything off about Roman.

To Start, he noticed there was no longer Disney Music playing every morning, which it was nice to not have to hear it, but it wasn't like Roman.

Secondly, Roman stopped involving himself so much in 'Movie Marathons', even when it was a Disney Movie, and when he was involved, he never sang, or even hummed along to the songs. Again, very unlike Roman.

And there was much, much more.

"Roman, you haven't been yourself recently. What's going on?" Virgil said to Roman, arms crossed. He, Roman, Patton, Logan, and Thomas were all in Thomas's living room, since they had just finished filming. And Virgil's sudden comment made everyone look at Roman, finally realizing everything that had been off.

"Virgil, It's nothing, you don't have to worry about me" Roman Said, in his usual energetic tone.

"Are you sure? You haven't been blasting Disney songs every morning, which is very unlike you" Virgil Reminded.

"Didn't want to keep bothering you all, I know that I tend to wake you and Logan with it" Roman Said.

"Fair enough.." Virgil Mumbled, "Well, if anything's wrong, tell me" He Said before sinking to his room, with Roman, Patton, and Logan all sinking to their room's soon after.

[Virgil's POV]

"Something is wrong with Roman, I know it.." I thought to myself. Although, I tried to forget about the topic as I put my headphones on and turned my spotify playlist on.

[30 Minutes Later]

Even after 30 minutes of music, I couldn't get Roman off my mind... I paused the music, and took my headphones off, and started to head to Roman's room.

When I got to Roman's door, I could hear...crying? No, it was sobbing. Roman was sobbing.

"Ro? Are you alright?" I said as I knocked on the door. No Response.

"Roman?" I Said Again, he still didn't answer me. I sighed and opened the door.

[Narrator's POV]

Roman didn't notice Virgil walk into his room.

Virgil saw Roman kneeling on the ground, sobbing. Roman's sleeves were rolled up, and his arms were covered in cuts, all bleeding. It didn't take long for Virgil to notice the blade on the ground.

"Roman!?" Virgil exclaimed, worry in his tone as he ran over to Roman.

Roman quickly looked at Virgil, his eyes bloodshot, and he was still crying. He was trying to stop himself from crying, but it failed.

Virgil pulled Roman into a hug, which surprised the Prince, but he (Roman) accepted the hug, and just, cried.

After a few minutes, Roman calmed down and let go of the hug.

Virgil summoned a rag, water, and bandages.

"So...What's the matter?.." Virgil asked as he started to clean The Prince's cuts.

"I-I.. I-I'm just so s-st-stressed out..." Roman said quietly, his voice still shaky.

"About What, Princey? There has to be a reason.." Virgil Said.

"I-I just have s-so many expectations p-placed on me..E-Everytime I show L-Logan something I made, o-or an idea for a video, o-or a script, he always s-says it's not good enough.." Roman Said. Virgil Sighed.

"I'll talk to him about it.." Virgil Said, finishing cleaning the cuts and starting to bandage them, "Anything else on your mind?" He Asked.

Roman hesitated, but spoke, "I-I..I just feel so..s-so w-worthless!.. a-and useless!.." He Admitted, tears starting to fall again.

Virgil sighed, and finished bandaging the cuts.

"Ro..Listen to me.." Virgil said as he wiped the tears off of Roman's face, "You're not worthless, nor useless..You're amazing, and your so smart..and you help the others and Thomas so much.." He Added.

"B-But every time I try and mention an idea or anything in a conversation, I-I always get shut down, or talked over.." Roman said quietly.

"I always hear your ideas, and I make sure to mention it when the other's will listen...Your ideas are included.." Virgil Said.

"But..That's you telling them..nobody listens to me directly.." Roman Mumbled.

"Listen, Princey...I will get everyone to start treating you better and to actually listen to you..Okay? Even Janus and Remus" Virgil Promised. Roman just nodded as a response.

After Virgil comforted Roman for a bit, and made sure he was relatively okay, Virgil called a 'meeting' for all the sides, Light and Dark. He explained what happened, and everyone just hugged Roman, all silently promising something.

Logan silently promised to always at least give constructive criticism to Roman's ideas.

Patton silently promised to make sure to include Roman in all conversations if he had something to say.

Remus silently promised to actually spend time with his brother, instead of ignoring him.

Janus silently promised to tell Roman if someone had lied to him, or said something behind his back.

And Virgil silently promised to hold everyone to their promises.

Word Count: 777

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