Twenty-Two: Carter

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"It's over, Carter. He made it perfectly clear."

I know what you're thinking: why is Carter telling us this? Well, to be honest, if this part was left to Colt, it'd be about a blackout. So, allow me to fill you in. 'Bout time I got some attention anyway.

"Len, come on," I begged. God, I was vibrating with anxiety, from the top of my head to the toe of my boots. I felt guilty. I knew, KNEW my birthday speech had played a role in this. I wasn't thinking. I was trying to be funny, but I should've known with Colt's hang ups that what I said wasn't going to help. I should've fucking known, and I should've kept my giant mouth shut, and now I'd ruined everything. "Just give him a chance. Please. I know that when he calms down..."

"It doesn't matter, Carter. He said what he said..."

"He's not in his right mind!"

"I told him to watch his words. I gave him a chance to rethink things, he didn't care," Lennie said, emotion choking her voice once again. "I'm sorry. I can't live like this. I can't spend the rest of my life convincing the man I love that I want to be with him."

"You can't just leave, Lennie! All that'll do is prove him right!"

"I'm not, Carter. I'm coming back on Monday, just like originally planned. But I'm not coming back for Colt. It's over. He said it himself."

"Don't say that, Lennie. Please. We can fix this. He'll wake up and realize what he's done."

"Carter, I can't. I'm sorry."

I sighed. She was upset and she had every right to be. I had no right to try and make her feel otherwise. If she was returning, I at least had half a chance of putting this back together. "Okay...."

"Cart, it's not your fault. He never believed I was staying."

"I know, but if I hadn't..."

"Stop it. You can't take responsibility for Colt's actions, okay? He's a grown man. I don't blame you even a little."

"I should've been more careful with my words."

"Carter, don't," Lennie soothed in that buttery soft voice she had. "This would've happened no matter what. He saw the contract. He didn't bother to even read it, he just jumped to his own conclusions. Honestly, I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was just a summer fling."

"That's not true, Lennie, and you know it," I argued. "HE knows it. The second he sobers up he's going to be kicking himself. I'll probably be kicking him too, honestly."

She laughed. "Get a good one in for me."

"I will. Hold on a second, I'm getting another call..." I pulled my phone away from my ear to glance at the screen. "It's Nina."

"Is Colt still at the bar?"

"I think so."

"Well, judging by his condition when I left, she's probably in need of a hand. I'll talk to you later, Cart. Thanks for checking on me."

"Anything for you, sweetheart. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Whatever you say," she laughed again. "Bye, Cart."

"Bye, darlin'." I clicked off one call and on to another. "What's up, Miss Nina?"

"I need you to come drag Colt outta here," came Nina's annoyed response. "He's... he's a fucking mess, Cart. I can't deal with him and take care of the customers."

"Oh, I'm sure that he is," I retorted. "Did it to himself."

"I know, trust me, he's been ramblin' about it all day, but he can't stay here anymore. He can barely stand up and I sure as hell ain't letting him drive."

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