Epilogue: One Year Later, Colt

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"Dad, how many more boxes?"

"How many are in the truck, kid?" I asked. "That's your answer."

Beau grumbled and continued unloading the back of my pickup. Man, thirteen was hitting hard. That mouth was going to be the death of me. Luckily, he still listened to Lennie like he worshipped the ground she walked on. At least I had that going for me.

Also going for me? Everything. Beau and I were moving into Orchard. Lennie had officially taken over as owner and Maggie was off jet setting every which way she could. Instead of continuing it as a business, Lennie made the decision to call the Orchard home. She'd still house visiting musicians when needed, either in the main house or in the cottage, but from this point on, our little family would call the main house, home.

Despite his grumpy demeanor while moving boxes, Beau was happy and so was I. In fact, I had never been more so. I'd never actually lived at Orchard, but this? Today? This felt like coming home.

"You boys need a hand?" Lennie asked, popping onto the porch with a smile.

"You get Mr. Grumpy Gills over there to perk up?" I asked before planting a peck on her waiting lips.

"He's thirteen. He's supposed to hate everything," she laughed.

"How many years I gotta deal with that?" I grumbled.

"Aw, looks like he takes after his poppa," Lennie teased, poking me in the ribs.

"Can you guys make out later?" Beau groaned, heading for the door with his box. "Preferably when I can't see it."

"Aw! Are you jealous? C'mere!" Lennie jumped into action and chased after Beau, both of them shrieking as they darted into the house.

I just laughed and shook my head, looking down at a now full grown Randy at my feet. "I don't know if we're ready for this, bud." He whined at me, and I patted his head before heading inside.

"Okay! I'm done! I'm going to Dylan's!"

"Don't recall you asking," I stated with a sigh as I sank into the porch swing.

Beau rolled his eyes. "Come on, Dad. Please?"

"How are you getting there?" I asked with an arched eyebrow. "Ain't just across town any more, pal."

"I can ride my bike."

"Not unless you're planning on being home early. You ain't ridin' out on the gravel after dark."

"I can take him in," Lennie volunteered, handing me a beer as she sank into the swing beside me. "I'll drop him off and pick up dinner."

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on," she stated. Her voice lowered so that only I could hear her. "Don't you wanna break in the house?" Her teeth nipped my earlobe and I shivered.

My eyes shot up to Beau. "See ya. Have fun."

Lennie giggled and Beau rolled his eyes.

"You guys are gross," he groaned. "Like I don't know what she said."

"We've got a checkers game to finish," Lennie stated, tossing me a wink as she rose back to her feet.

"Maybe naked checkers..." Beau mumbled.

"The hell you know about naked checkers?" I asked. "You best be playing fully clothed checkers!"

"No one even plays checkers anymore, Dad," Beau stated as he headed for the little red pickup. "And I'm not stupid. I'll have a little brother or sister coming before I even get back."

"I don't think so," Lennie argued. "You and I are gonna talk about protection."

"Hey, whoa, no. He doesn't need to know about protection because my thirteen year old is NOT having sex," I fired back. "I'll hang him up by his ankles before that happens."

Lennie rolled her eyes. "Gotta have the talk sometime."

"That day is not today."

"You're dad is a stubborn as a donkey," she said, turning to Beau as she climbed in the truck.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"I heard that!" I shouted after them but I was only met by shutting car doors. I couldn't help but laugh as Lennie rolled down her window and took off, Randy and Milo chasing the truck down the drive.

I sighed and starting swinging back and forth a bit, sipping my beer and thinking about how much had changed since Lennie Tyler came back into my life.

Eighteen months ago, I thought I'd probably never see her again. Now... now I couldn't go a few hours without her by my side. If there was a heaven, man, this was mine. Me, my kid, and my Songbird.

Life was good. Hell, it was more than good. It was goddamn perfect.

Want more Lennie and Colt? Read Mockingbird, already complete!

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