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Weeks pass by and Kat eventually moved back to LA Sam spent most of his time in his room editing and only came down to eat or drink.

"I'm really worried about Sam he hasn't properly left his room in days" I say looking up from my phone

"One of us should go see if he's okay" Colby says

I get up and walk upstairs to Sams door I lightly knock on and hear a sniffle from the other side

"Who is it" Sam asks

"It's Gem can I come in" I reply

"Sure" He sighs

I open the door and see sam sat at his desk he's wrapped in a blanket with headphones on editing a video. I sit on the end of his bed and he turns around to look at me.

"What's up?" He chirps

"Me and Colby are really worried about you" I start and Sam looks down at the floor

"I know I've noticed" he says quietly

"We are here for you guys please don't hide away, you're mine and Colbys best friend" I smile

"Thanks, I guess I should have said something instead of bottling it up and isolating myself" Sam shrugs

"How about you come downstairs and we will have dinner somewhere fancy" I suggest "You haven't had a smile on your face for a while"

"Lets go then, I'm down" Sam agrees

"Lets all meet downstairs at 7pm"Colby chimes in

i nod my head and walk to Colby's room to use his shower, I finish up in the shower and rifle through my suitcases to find my makeup, i sit in front of Colby's mirror and quickly put together a makeup look, Then I put on a black simple dress and simple black heels to match. I walk downstairs and Colby's jaw drops.

"Take a picture it will last longer" Sam jokes

"I might just" Colby claps back

"Sorry, No photos allowed" I say smugly

Sam rushes us out the door and we get an Uber to the best restaurant we could find


hellooooo I'm back for the time being, I now have a laptop so I can write a few more chapters before this book comes to an end, I started this book when I was 16 and I'm now 20, I'm so glad to be back writing as much as I can because I used to love writing these books, do y'all want a sequel to this book? if so what would you wanna see in it :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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