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(Long chapter 824 words)

We check in we have room B340 the most haunted room on the ship. Colby hands me the key and I open the door. A cold chill runs down my spine and I feel sick walking in I sit on the bed and see a must pass my eye.

"What was that?" I say standing up and grabbing the nearest person to me which was Jake

"You saw that mist pass too" Corey speaks up his eyes now tearing up

I sit on the couch and Colby joins me. Sam films a quick tour of the room. I hear a knock next to my head.

"Colby that was you" I nervously laugh

"My hands are here how could I have knocked directly behind me" He says then gestures for Corey to get Sam

Sam comes over and we explain what happened and we all sit in a dark room in silence. We hear knocks and screams by this time I was leaning on Colby and holding his arm. Sam was calling out to the spirits when the camera was on..... Nothing, but as soon as the camera was off they started knocking, moving things and making loud shrieks and screams. I went into the bathroom and I screamed.

I was faced with a little girl holding her arms out for me to pick her up when I went closer to her she went demonic. Her eyes went pitch black thick blood ran from her eyes and her hair turned black. She flew towards me and dissapeared. I stood there not saying a word I felt cold tears running down my face as I was in shock. I came around from the shock and I noticed Colby was holding the camera at my pale face and Sam was stood in front of me.

"Gem are you okay" Sam asked me holding my shoulders

"I..... " Was all I choked out

"What happened" Jake says standing next to Colby

"I need to sit before I talk about it" I say walking back to the chair in the room

"You okay" Corey asked

"I went to look in the bathroom and when I opened the door there was a little girl stood there" I started

"Anything else" Sam says grabbing the camera from Colby so he could comfort me

"She stretched her arms out for me to pick her up. When I walked closer to her it was like she turned demonic her hair turned black and greasy, her eyes went black and oozed black thick blood and she flew towards me them evaporated like steam" I say while looking near the bathroom and seeing the little girl waving at me

"You see that too right" Colby says

"Yep that's her" I say waving back at her

"I think I got that on camera" Sam says pointing the camera to the bathroom then back

I look over there to see her still peeping round the corner. She seemed to like me because she was looking at only me. She looked familiar. Sam Colby Jake and Corey leave for food and I decided to stay to try communicate with the little girl.

"Hey little girl" I say waving at the small spirit stood before me

She waved at me

I grabbed the ouija board out the crate it was in and used it to talk to her

"Do you have a name" I say and the planchette moves across the board

"O L I V I A" She spelt out her name slowly

"Olivia it's nice to meet you" I say "how old are you"

"6"the board responded

"Did u die on the ship" I ask

"Yes" The board slid to very fast

"Are you scared of the boys" I say as she only seemed to like me

"No" It slid to slowly

"Then why do you like me only" I ask nervously

"P r e t t y" She said and I smiled

"So you like me cause I'm pretty" I say smiling

"Y e s" It spelt out instead of going to the one on the board already

"Do you not like the camera" I ask one more question

"No" "Scary" She said

"I'll ask them not to film you then is that okay" I say amazed by the conversation I'm having with the unknown

"Yes" It says

"Well it was nice talking to you olivia" I say before leading the planchette to goodbye and putting the board away

I turn on the light and sit on the couch. My phone starts ringing.


I pick it up quickly

"Hey what's up" I say

"We are on the ship exploring it a bit are you okay" He says

"Yeah you need to come back I have an amazing story to tell you about our little girl in the room" I respond

"Okay we will come back now" He says and hangs up

My savior ~ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now