Chapter 1: The War of the 21st Century

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Once upon a time, there was a world war. 

During the 2020s, the world divided into two factions: the leading world super power, United States, and the rising super power China. Countries flocked to one of the two sides based on how much they would gain from their alliances. Countries like North Korea, Russia, the Arab countries, and even some countries in the Americas pledged their oaths to China, and in exchange, they acquired many economical advantages they otherwise wouldn't have. 

While this happened, The US and its allies bonded stronger than ever. Fearing the coming of a new world order, they readied their armies and navies all over the world to defend the ideas of Western Civilization; ideas that were on the brink of much peril. They were ready to unleash their military might to defend their values and interest all over the world. But their grip was failing. The writing was on the wall...

After reaching the height  of their power, the Chinese were bidding their time. They knew that the US had the best military in the world, but they also knew that not all was well within the states. They were waiting for the United States to self-destruct. The culture war, and the rift between the Republicans and Democrats became so great, that the once powerful country was destroying itself from within. All they had to do was wait for it to happen, and then they would strike with the force of a rogue wave, dominate and change the world as they saw fit. All they had to do was wait...

And then it happened... civil war broke out in the US again, but this time the US did not divide into North and South; the states divided all across the country, making a muddy mess out of a once powerful nation.  And while this happened, the Chinese waited for two years, until they finally did it. They moved their first piece of the chess board; they invaded Taiwan. This was the first domino to fall in a chain of events that started the Great War of the 21st century. The greatest war the world had ever seen.

And in the middle of it all, the future of Western Civilization rested upon the hands of The president of the Republican States, Lincoln Davis and the president of the United States, Nicholas MacArthur...two men that needed to put aside their differences in order to withstand the greatest threat to American supremacy: the age of the Chinese World Order...

The War of the 21st CenturyWhere stories live. Discover now