Chapter 13: Global Conflict

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After China's conquests in the Pacific, and the start of a war between the European Union and Russia, the world had plunged into a humanitarian crisis. There was a shortage of food, medical supplies, and raw materials in general. The supply lines were disrupted all over the world because of the wars going on in Asia and Europe. Many countries started to devolve into anarchy because their governments couldn't handle the management of what little food supplies they were getting. 

China, the biggest supplier of many countries in Asia, was getting war weary, and their government tried to focus on getting more resources for themselves to survive the ongoing crisis. The "Dragons of the East" had almost accomplished their mission of getting rid of Western influence in Asia, but they were now seen as responsible for the rest of the Asian world, and countries started to doubt in their trust of China. 

What was worse for the Chinese was that Russia was not supplying as much oil for them as they used to because they needed it in their war against the European Union. The Arab World used this to their advantage, being the more reliable supplier of fuels to the growing Chinese Empire. They began to pressure China into delivering food to them in exchange for oil. That way, the Arabs had an advantage during the world-wide food crisis. The Chinese in turn needed the oil to continue feeding its war machine in the Pacific.

As a consequence, the Arab World's rising power, Iran grew more powerful and bolder. They were more militant than their Chinese and Russian allies, and now they had the strength to rise up against the West. It did not take long for them to join the war against the European Union in favor of the Russians. And to the delight of China, they also declared war on the United States.

Iran's entry into both wars, threatened the world with a global war once again. The Chinese were reluctant to widen the conflict, but Iran declared war on the US under the premise that China would enter Russian-Europe conflict. They also used their oil agreements as leverage with the Chinese. Indeed, Iran's influence was powerful even for the strongest ally in their league.

Alas, the War of the 21st Century had become a global war. The alliance of China, Russia, Iran and other countries versus the United States and the European Union in league with other countries already at war against China.

The entry of Iran into the war made the global food crisis worse for the West, for they had begun to attack ships over the Red Sea. As a result, the shipping lanes coming from the Indian Ocean crossing the Suez Canal in Egypt into the Mediterranean were closed. The cargo ships had to divert and go the long route through the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. The consequences of this shipping lanes situation were a lethal blow to the civilizations all over the world, but specially for the Western World, and that was the Iranian objective: Deprive the West of food and supplies to create mayhem without having to invade their countries.

As the global war was unfolding, the USA government which was trying to end their war with China, now was  back into the fold. The enemy alliance and their own obligation as member of NATO, chained them into continuing the war against China and Iran plus now they had to battle their old nemesis: Russia.

By this time, MacArthur, former president of the United States, was now a candidate to win the elections once again. The need for an experienced war-proven leader was evident, and after all he was the hero president during the victorious Korean Campaign. He was also proven right about the need to continue the war. Under his absence, the enemy had grown more powerful and the American dominion had waned significantly more even in a time where they had barely engaged their adversaries. His political rivals wanted to get out of the war, but getting out of NATO would put them out of favor with their European allies, and they would lose their reputation as a loyal ally, so they were ironically favoring the war now. All of this practically handed the presidency to Nicholas MacArthur for a second term.

Once again, MacArthur had a chance to continue fighting the war he vowed to win. However, the enemy list had grown too great. He had come to realize that the USA was never going to go back to what it once was even if they won the war. He also had to deal with the country's food crisis. For this, he began to deal with the RSA, much to the anger of his political adversaries; He actually recognized the RSA as a sovereign country. He figured that his long-lasting aversion to the RSA did nothing but weaken the USA. He still believed in the union of all the states of America under one flag, but he started to believe what his long-time rival Lincoln Davis always believed: union was not going to happen under the present conditions, and avoiding the fact would only make things worse.

The deals between the United States and the Republican States would mitigate the food crisis on their turf. The Republican States agricultural prowess would prove to be an asset for the US, who in exchange would provide the money to boost the RSA's economy. For the first time in almost a decade the Republicans and Democrats treated with each other through diplomacy, easing the constant tensions of ending the truce that brought an end to the Civil War of the 21st century.

The Food Crisis and Iran's plans of depriving the West from supplies actually drove the USA into an alliance with the RSA. President Lincoln Davis announced the decision during a press conference:

"We cannot ignore the crisis that we are facing. We cannot ignore our neighbor's pleas for commerce. We cannot ignore the fact that the whole world has plunged into war, and we need to pick a side. We cannot ignore our disagreements with the USA, but if we are about to face oblivion, I'd rather face it with my neighbors than face it with the tyrants that seem to be motivated by greed and blood-lust."

The president then proceeded to ask Congress that the Republican States of America declare war on Iran. Congress approved...

At long last, North Americans put aside their differences to stand fast against a dangerous enemy. How long would the alliance last? Would the need to survive override the different philosophical views on economy, policy and culture for long enough? Would it be possible that North America would unite once again? Anything was possible during the War of the 21st Century...  

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