Chapter 12: The Rise of Korea

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With the American and South Korean armies closing in from the south and the east, the Chinese and North Korean armies built defensive fortifications around Pyongyang, preparing for the decisive battle of the campaign. The North Korean Resistance deep inside the enemy lines began to conspire to overthrow the North Korean regime before the battle took place. Their objective was to avoid more bloodshed, and surrender the country to the South Koreans. When word reached the ears of General Horatio Miles: the Commander of the Pacific Forces, he ordered his troops to halt and replenish, so they could organize and plan the strategy for the coming battle...

"If this Resistance movement is legitimate, we need to use it to our advantage before we go into Pyongyang. The enemy has built a fortress around the city, and taking the capital is going to cost us plenty of men and resources", argued the general.

"More Chinese troops are crossing the Yalu river into Korea as we speak. The more we wait, the more teeth they have to bite us hard on battle. We cannot wait for the divide and conquer strategy to pay off", argued a general.

"This campaign can only be truly won by the Koreans themselves. Now, I have received word from the Resistance leader. He is not only giving us information, he is planning a sabotage mission. Now, we all know that air superiority at the border helped us a lot in this campaign, but that is not the case anymore. We are deep into North Korea; air superiority is up for grabs. We need to deal with the air threat first, and the resistance will do the job for us. Once they sabotage the air bases, we can send the USAF to knock out the rest of their air power. Then, we go in," explained the Commander.

"How big is this resistance movement?"

"Unknown, but let's just say that we have friends in high places of the North Korean Army."

 After the meeting, the commander called the president to inform him of his plans. President MacArthur agreed with his commander's plan but wanted to move things quicker. Aparently, his political rivals were willing to stop the war without the reunification of Korea; MacArthur needed to win the Korean military campaign before the elections.

"We don't have time, general. Let the Resistance know that the time is now. Proceed as you have planned. Get us the victory we need", said the president.

And thus it was that the Resistance struck first in Pyongyang setting off C4 bombs all over the airbases. They managed to destroy many airplanes, and infrastructure vital for their air force. As soon as the enemy was alert, they sent their armies to hunt down the resistance inside the city. What they believed was a small group of guerrillas, was actually an army of North Korean soldiers led by Jeon Sung, a very charismatic general who was displeased with the war and wanted the unification of Korea. As the enemy encountered resistance inside their perimeter defenses, the US air force sent its F-22s Mavs Squadron to take out the remaining enemy planes already in the air. The disorganization inside the enemy lines gave the opportunity for the Wolf Squadron composed of A-10s to decimate the perimeter defenses around the city.

After watching their North Korean counterparts divided and bogged down in urban warfare against themselves, the Chinese decided to evacuate their army and the North Korean government leaders. The collapse of the North Korean army in Pyongyang had begun. The US armies pushed forward with their Abrams Tanks, infantry, and mechanized units. The enemy was overrun. When they reached inside the city, the surrounded North Korean army surrendered. The Chinese Army evacuated its troops from the city and headed west towards the port of Nampo where the Chinese Navy was waiting to take them home. The 1st Marine Division moved fast to capture the retreating enemy forces, but they met resistance from rogue North Korean troops unwilling to comply to the orders of surrender. The Americans sent their Mavs Squadron to take on the Chinese air wings defending the Nampo perimeter and they clashed for a time. The F-22s proved once again to be superior to the enemy planes. However, the fierce resistance on land permitted the Chinese troops to embark and escape on time without taking many losses. The campaign had ended in victory for the USA.

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