Chapter 1: Usagi Tsukino

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Usagi was just hanging out with her friends while going out shopping. It had been a while since she had graduated from school.

Yes, she was eighteen when she graduated.

However, she was excited that her nineteenth birthday was coming up after her graduation day. She was no longer the fourteen-year-old clumsy and crybaby girl that she always used to be. She became a responsible adult but a proper lady like the others.

So right now, after they had celebrated their graduation day, Usagi went out with Mamoru while hanging with the girls.

While this was going on, Mamoru seemed a bit little down as he looked like he never cared at all. Why, exactly? Well... he seemed annoyed somehow, and he was a bit tired of hanging around with the girls and going out on a date with Usagi. Not only his love for her has been trapped like a prisoner. Of course, he knew he was Prince Endymion while his girlfriend was Princess Serenity, and they were meant to be together forever or was it? He felt trapped in a birdcage as he had been a prisoner for being loved by Usagi.

He wasn't sure if he was ready to propose to Usagi to be his wife before Chibiusa was born, but on her birthday, he will. He knew Usagi's birthday was coming up since he knew her back then. This was frustrating for him to make decisions... either if he wanted to break up with Usagi or propose to Usagi on her birthday. It is the only way to free himself from love. How ridiculous could he be?

"Mamo, is everything okay, honey?" It was Usagi who asked him with a worried look.

He forced himself to smile and lies to her, saying, "Why, yes, Usako. Everything is fine. I needed some space."

"Do we bother you?" Rei asked with arms folded.

He shook his head. "Nope. Not at all. I just needed some fresh air."

"Alright, go right ahead, Mamo. Usagi and I will be going to Spencer's." Rei said before going inside with Usagi.

Mamoru nodded in response to her before leaving them behind.

Usagi began to notice why Mamoru had been feeling down. Was it because she was too much for him? Or was it because he needed a break from them because of the girl's days? Usagi wasn't sure why Mamoru had been acting weird this way.

"Rei, do you think I'm too much for him?" Usagi asked her best friend.

"What do you mean?" Rei asked, confused.

"You know... the way I've always been happy while spending time with him, he seems pretty bump out. Have you noticed Mamo has been acting so strange?" Usagi asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Who cares? Maybe he needs his own space or something, but maybe it got nothing to do with you, Usagi. You had done nothing wrong with your relationship with Mamoru."

"Do you think he is mad at me because what I did is annoying him? He has been avoiding me a lot." Usagi asked her again.

"Shut up. You didn't do anything wrong, like I said before. How so ever, we've been through a lot in the last few years. Perhaps, maybe this is something more serious than you're tiny little world, Usagi. Perhaps you needed a break from Mamoru when he's in a bad mood." Rei said.

"You know I would make him the happiest person in a wide world, right?" She asked, giving Rei a look.

"Or maybe if it doesn't work, then maybe you two needed a break for a while," Rei suggested.

"I would never want to break up with Mamo! He is my only true love! Me and Mamo, we're meant to be together like--"

"Like Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion." Rei cut her off while mocking her before giving her an annoying look, "Yeah, whatever, dude! No one cares! When will you ever grow up? You're going to turn nineteen, for God's sake! Even if you're eighteen years old, you'll never grow up!"

She scoffed, glaring at her. "Excuse me!? I am growing up, and there is nothing wrong with me saying about our relationship or some fantasies! At least no one cares about secret identities as well!"

Rei sticks her tongue at her, "Whatever, baby."

"What did you call me!? Say it to my face, Rei! Say it right to my face!" It was then Rei and Usagi were having a fight while Ami, Makoto, Minako, Artemis, and Luna were watching as they sweatdropped.

"Oh, boy..." Ami said awkwardly.

"Here we go again," Makoto sighed.

"Always a catfight between these two," Minako said, rubbing her face.

Makoto then interrupted them, "Girls, while you two are fighting, can we just go to Spencer's and buy ourselves some t-shirts?"

"Yeah, sure!" Usagi shouted, sounding so mad.

"Let's go!" Rei shouted as well, sounding mad as well as she didn't want to speak to Usagi, especially ignoring her face.

"Well, they finally stop fighting. Let's go, guys." Minako said as she picked Artemis and placed him on her shoulder.

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