Chapter 12: Affair Revealed and Betrayal

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When the morning came, Usagi felt warmth wrapped around her as the sun began to rise in the sky and peaked through the window of the room that she and Goku shared. She opened her eyes and held her breath when she found herself lying on top of Goku and saw his sleeping form in front of her. Her face turned cherry red as she noticed he was holding her close to his strong, built chest. He was sleeping peacefully as she continued to stare at him. She figured he was careful not to squeeze her hard because of her pregnancy. She had to admit that he looked quite handsome when he was sleeping, even way more handsome than Mamoru. Soon enough, he opened his eyes, and his onyx was gazing at her.

"Good morning, bestie," Goku greeted with a grin.

"Good morning, Goku," Usagi shyly greeted him back with the same gesticulation.

"How did you sleep?" He asked.

She smiled at him. "I slept well. Thank you for company me since Mamoru hasn't spent time with me."

"I'm glad I could," Goku said as the two slowly got off each other and the bed. He looked at her with a loving look, "Usagi, last night the kiss was--"

"I wanted to apologize for kissing you. I really shouldn't do that. I know you and I are engaged with someone, but I feel like I was too happy feeling so comfortable with you. And I still want to thank you for being here with me." Usagi said with an apology look.

"No, no. It's fine. The kiss was amazing. I have never been kissed on the lips before." Goku said, smiling.

"But didn't Chichi kiss you on the lips?" Usagi asked, now confused.

He shook his head. "No, why?"

"Because you're engaged to her," Usagi said.

"There has nothing to do with kissing on the lips, you know," Goku chuckled.

"Mamo and I kissed on the lips a bunch of times, and it's amazing," Usagi pointed it out.

He faced her. "So what now?"

Usagi sighed. "I need to tell Mamoru that I'm pregnant right now."

"Are you sure? Do you want me to keep you company?" Goku asked.

She shook her head. "No, thank you. But thanks. I can do this alone."

"Okay, but if you need me, call out to me," Goku said protectively.

She smiled. "I will."


Usagi went to the bedroom where Mamoru was; she needed to tell him so badly. However, she took a deep breath and opened the door without knocking the door.

"Mamo, there is something I need t--" Suddenly, when she was ready to tell him the great news as she opened the door, she never expected to see this. She gasped in horror as her sapphire eyes went wider, seeing Mamoru on top of Chichi, making out with her. She froze, feeling paralyzed.

Is this a dream!? Is this real!? Please tell me this isn't real! Usagi thought, trembling a bit.

It was then Mamoru and Chichi noticed Usagi was standing in front of them in shock. They panicked as they drifted apart and tried to convince her.

"Usako, this isn't what it looks like!" Mamoru said, coming to her.

Usagi gritted her teeth, feeling betrayed by the man she loved. She clenched her fists tightly as well
Is this how he repaid her? After everything they've been through? After being together for five years? This has gone way too far this time. Usagi boiled in anger as she threw her fist and punched Mamoru in the face, shocking him and Chichi.

A Summer To Remember // Goku x Usagi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now