Chapter 19: The Proposal

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Five months later...

Usagi's belly has gotten bigger. She was almost ready to give birth to the baby. However, Goku and the Tsukino took care of her while they helped her out or fed her. Well, most of the time, they wouldn't treat her like some kind of princess. We all know Usagi can handle this on her own. Goku always checked the baby's ki to make sure they were alright. He became very protective of them.

Goku and Usagi had spent time together while kissing and holding hands when they thought the others weren't watching. They were whispering and laughing quietly as Goku looked and how his eyes filled with love for the woman in his arms. Everyone had never seen his eyes filled with so much love, not even Chichi.

While this was going on, Goku brought the ring from the jewelry store, thanks to Krillin and Master, who helped him out. Goku took the opportunity to talk to Ikuru and Kenji. He told her how much he loved Usagi, not because she was the mother of Mamoru's child, but because Usagi was everything he never knew he wanted in a partner.

"I'd like to ask your permission to marry your daughter," Goku said with a pleading look.

Kenji smiled, "I thought as much when you and your friends took so long. Of course, Goku, you have our permission and blessing. I know you and Usagi will be very happy together."

"Thank you, guys," Goku said with a relieved smile.

Ikuru grinned at her future son-in-law, "You're welcome, Goku." And then kissed his cheek, making Goku feel happy.


When Usagi came home from the mall with her friends, Goku happily greeted her as he gave her a sweet kiss before she could kiss him back. Usagi also told him about her days. However, she brought some baby clothes for the unborn child, which made Goku happy.

"Usagi, is that alright if I can take you out on a date?" Goku asked, taking her hand.

She smiled, nodding. "Of course."

"Okay. Let's go." Then Goku and Usagi went outside as he called out for the Nimbus Flying, so they went to go somewhere as he wanted to surprise Usagi.


"Wow. This place is so gorgeous, Goku." Usagi exclaimed happily, looking over the yellow flowers.

"Yeah. And that's why I wanted to take you there," Goku said with eyes closed and a smile.

"I love this place, Goku," She replied.

"Usagi, there is something I need to tell you," Goku said as he turned to look at her and gave her a sweet smile. Then he took her hand and began to talk to her more.

"You mean more to me than I thought possible. I never knew I was capable of loving someone as much as I love you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, and after everything that happened a while ago, one thing is clear. I never want to be without you in my life," Goku continued, then he kneeled in front of her.

He saw Usagi gasp and cover her mouth as her tears began to gather in her eyes. As he looked up at the woman he loved, he pulled out a wedding ring and said, "Usagi Tsukino, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?"

Usagi was at a loss for words. Instead, she tackled Goku and peppered his face with kisses.

Goku laughed happily and wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her back, "Does that mean yes?"

"Yes, Goku! For thousands of times! Yes!" Usagi nearly shouted. Then he gently took her left hand and slipped the ring on her finger. Usagi admired the elegant but simple design; it was perfect for her. She caressed Goku with an embrace once more as he giggled.

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