Chapter 18: Going Home

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When morning came, Usagi woke up with Goku's arms wrapped around her. She smiled and stretched.

"Good morning, Usagi. How did you sleep?" Goku said with a smile.

"Good morning, Goku. I slept incredibly well. Especially when I'm in the arms of my new boyfriend." Usagi said, smiling at him.

"I love the sound of that," Goku said happily as he went to kiss Usagi's lips. She giggled and snuggled into his embrace. After a while, he let her go.

"Let's pack our things and get ready to go home," Usagi said.

"Will I ever see you again?" Goku said with a sad look.

She smiled. "Goku, we're dating now, and we can see each other again. However, you can have my phone and call me anytime you want to. After all, you're my best boyfriend."

Goku grinned, giggling.

After that, she gathered some clothes and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once she came back, Goku went to the bathroom to shower and change. They headed to the kitchen while holding hands.

"Good morning, you two. Would you two like some breakfast?" Ikuru said with a smile.

"Sure, Mom, we're starving," Usagi said excitedly.

Well, have a seat. I'll serve you," Ikuru said.

So Goku and Usagi sat next to Bulma and Shingo and the others sitting across from them. Ikuru served them all and sat down next to Kenji. While eating breakfast, Rei began to face Usagi with a smile.

"So, Usagi, how did it go last night? After having a great time with Goku?" Rei asked her with a smile.

Usagi smiled at her. "It went well. It's great to have Goku by my side after three days about what happened."

"So what happened to Chichi, anyway? Did she leave without telling us?" Makoto asked Rei with a curious look.

Rei sighed. "Chichi left three days ago after Goku had broken up with her."

"Does she have a car or something?" Minako asked.

"No, I took her home, so she doesn't need to walk home," Rei said.

"Thank God. Well, we didn't want Chichi to have a sworn foot," Ami said.

Usagi rolled her eyes. "Well, she should have been eaten by the bear when Chichi got a chance by running away."

Goku chuckled, thinking that was funny. Bulma thought it was funny as well. She started to laugh.

"Wow, Usagi. That's mean." Rei said, giving Usagi a look as she sweatdropped.

"What? She gets what she deserves since she had been fooling around with other men." Usagi shrugged off as Goku nodded in agreement.

"Especially with Mamoru," Bulma whispered to Usagi.

"Well, guys, when we're done eating breakfast, we will be packing our things and then head home," Kenji said.

Everyone nodded.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Tsukino," Goku called out to them.

"Yes?" They asked him.

"Is that okay if I can move in with you because? I have had no place to live since I broke up with Chichi," Goku said, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

Ikuru smiled, "Of course, Goku. As long as you're living with us and being with Usagi, we'll find you two a new home for a baby."

Goku smiled back. "Thank you."

After they were done eating breakfast, they packed all of their things and cleaned the lake house until they finally left, as they wanted to see the lake house one last time. After that, Goku sat next to Usagi and held her hand, excited about the new life he was having right now. Not only he needed to find a wedding ring to propose to her to marry her. He needed more time to think.

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